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Looking for UNMC berets

Nick Carraway

Papa Victor
Lifetime Donator
Czech Republic
Hello everyone,if anyone have UNMC officer or general beret,let me know and we gonna make a deal.

Good luck finding them bud, we don't give away many!

I'm also guessing they go for a lot because of the rarity! Gl!

I have a few I can sell you obtained completely LEGALLY

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If your seen by UNMC members we will be taking it from you.

Compulsory "if you're seen wearing (insert unmc clothing here) we (UNMC) will be taking it from you" message

[SIZE=medium](9.3.2) UNMC uniform is unique to the people who have worked hard to become a part of the servers whitelisted rebels, only they are allowed to wear it. The only exception to this, is the UNMC Beret, like the police, this can only be exchanged with high quality roleplay.

this can only be exchanged with high quality roleplay.

high quality roleplay.[/SIZE]

