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Lord SanDisk Vision

You've got to be kidding me you just posted a video of your friends VDMing

Guys, in my opinion ramming a car when your fighting is fair game, but ramming a chopper?

Can you tell me the story behind this? Did the started to shoot you?

Join me and the House of Lord SanDisk on my quest for the throne! Will keep uploading our antics! ;)


Sub and watch if you like boys and girls! 
I think your guys need to read the rules look at the part under Aviation. Personally I think the perpetrator will be extremely lucky to avoid a ban. 

Please be sure to read the server rules when you are in-game to get a clear understanding of what is and is not allowed. They can be read by pressing the keybind "M" then selecting each rule set on the upper left hand corner.

  • If you are a Cop, you MUST read and abide by the General Rules and Police Procedures.
  • Know the Safe Zone areas to avoid any administrative punishments.
  • Read the Illegal Activity rules if you choose to RP in that manner to avoid any administrative punishments.
Don't Be A Dick!

  • If an admin has to tell you that you are being a dick, you are doing dickish things.
  • Causing other grief, disrupting roleplay, the list goes on.
  • Just don't be a dick okay?
  • The rule may be invoked at an admin's discretion.
New Life Rule (Applies to police and civilians)

  • If you are killed you must wait 15 minutes before returning to the scene of your death.
  • If you die during roleplay, your past crimes are forgotten, but you also cannot seek revenge.
  • If you are RDM'd, it is not a new life.
  • If you manually respawn, it is not a new life.
  • If you purposefully kill yourself to avoid roleplay, it is not a new life.
Random Deathmatching (RDM)

  • Killing anyone without a roleplay cause.
  • Declaring a rebellion is not a cause to kill anyone, even cops.
  • Cops and civilians/rebels can only commence in a shootout if there are reasons relating to a crime.
  • If you are killed in the crossfire of a firefight, it is not RD.
  • Killing someone in an attempt to protect yourself or others is not RDMing.
  • Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM.
  • These are judged by admins on a case by case basis.
Communication Rules

  • Side chat may not be used to play music or otherwise mic spam.
  • Spamming any chat channel will result in your removal.
  • Teamspeak channels are split up into areas for a reason. Cops must be in the cop channels at all times.
  • Civilians cannot be in a ny cop channels on teamspeak in order to gather information on their location or movements. Civs caught doing this will be removed from the channel. Repeat offenders can be kicked or banned from both the game and teamspeak.

  • Purposefully running people over (VRDM). There are accidents and there is going out of your way to run someone over.
  • Purposely throwing yourself in front of vehicles in order to die/get hurt.
  • Ramming into other vehicles in for to cause an explosion.
  • Constantly trying to enter vehicle that do not belong to you in order to grief the vehicle owner and not trying to RP.
  • Stealing a vehicle just to crash it or otherwise destroy it.
  • Purchasing multiple vehicles for the purpose of doing any of the above.
  • The only reason for shooting at a vehicle would be to disable it and/or fire warning shots in a role-play scenario. You are not to deliberately destroy enemy vehicles.

  • Purposely ramming a helicopter into anything ie other helicopters, vehicles, buildings
  • Flying below 150m over the city constantly. Once is illegal, more that that you risk crashing into the city, thus against server rules.
  • Stealing helicopters without proper warning and significant time for the driver to lock the vehicle. If they land and run away without locking, fine, if they just get out and you get in before they get a chance to lock it, no.

  • Repeatedly pushing boasts without permission.
  • Pushing a boat with the intention of hurting or killing someone. THis is not R. it is just a flaw in the game mechanics.
  • Purposely running over swimmers/divers.
Cop Interaction

  • Civilians can be arrested for looking in a cop's backpack/vehicle. Constantly doing this will result in your removal from the server.
  • Civilians can be arrested for following cops in game in order to give away their position.
  • Civilians or Rebels whom take up arms to kill cops in town or elsewhere for no RP reason with be considered RDMing. See RDMing section.
  • Following and/or harassing cops for long periods of time with be considered griefing and/or spamming and will result in your removal from the server.
  • Actively blocking cops from doing their duties can lead to your arrest. Constantly doing the will result in your removal from the server.
Bannable Offenses

  • Hacking
  • Cheating
  • Exploiting (See Exploits)
  • Being kicked 3 or more times.

  • Getting out of jail via any other method other than playing bail or escaping via helicopter.
  • Killing yourself to get out of role play. Getting out of being tazed, restrained, arrested, jail etc.If the log shows you got arrested then you died, you will be banned. Do not pay bail and kill yourself for an easy ride home. Walk you lazy turd.
  • Duping items and/or money. If someone sends you an unobtainable amount of money right at the start of the game, report them to an admin IMMEDIATELY and transfer the money to an admin. Do this ASAP or an admin could ban your if they see that much money on your without question.
  • Using clearly hacked items. If a hacker comes in and spawns unobtainable items, you could be banned for using those items. Report the items to the admins IMMEDIATELY and stay away form them.
  • Abusing bugs or game mechanics for gain. Is there a replicating gun somewhere? Report it and leave it alone. If an admin catches you abusing the glitch, it it result in a ban.
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Fair enough...OK hands up...I rammed the chopper. Missed that completely. I (perhaps mistakenly) assumed that since we were RPing in the way we do (I.e. Lord Sandisk etc) that it was fine to do so under the circumstances...Which were: You guys randomly shot at us from a hill (didn't call it) so we persued to "protect Lord Sandisk" from you circling around again.

If i'm wrong then apologies, but equally, randomly shooting us from a hill at distance is equally wrong (totally random).

Vincent - I did it but under my interpretation they started shooting at us on the ground (you can see that in the vid) we we were practically all dieing (see the vid health was at 3) so we persued and they ran off, we gave chase and i hit their chopper to stop them (you can hear us saying they are circling around to come back at Lord Sandisk). So essentially, it started off as those guys randomly shooting at us, we returned fire, gave chase and hit them midair.

Obviously, I have the upmost respect for this server and its admins so if i'm in the wrong i'll accept the consequences.

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And Price...in our mind it wasn't VDM (Whats the difference with what I did and others ramming me off the road and killing me in smilar situations?)...We could argue that you RDM'd (by shooting at us from the hilltop without calling it or engaging in any role play whatsoever - we have that footage too) but we didn't bother (we tend not to waste the admins time by reporting an RDM everytime we get killed)...we just chased you and killed you.

I'd also add that we RP the whole Lord Sandisk stuff big time and it shouldn't be surprising that given our (well known) history and backstories we are willing to sacrifice "in the name of Lord Sandisk" - it's happened before.

Anyway 'nuff said'

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I was not on last night so i can't comment on the situation in hand... But seriously, Price... You're trying to get people banned? Dude... You're not supposed to fire on people after they died or pursue them in RP after their demise. Hence don't fire on them. 

I've noticed you seem to be gunning to get the guys banned and that sucks. Just remember that most the guys I play with record every session and I have footage of you joining our Gang and chasing me in a chopper with the apparent intention of ramming me out of the sky. 

Fair enough if you want to hold grudges or whatever but remember that not all of us get involved in gun fights and be careful what you say before trying to get people banned if you have done exactly the same thing. 

I'm a bit sick of all the bitching to be honest. I love the game, I love the banter but breaking RP to hold grudges and then perpetuating that onto the forum... Really?

It's a waste of Admins time and creates bad blood between regulars. But RDM leads to VDM... One cancels the other ... and I'm more than happy to upload footage of you attempting the same. 

"He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." 

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Please upload the footage as there is a big difference between chasing someone and purposely ramming someone, ffs they even said ram them.

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^^ Price, i'm not arguing, I rammed the chopper. I said that already. But look at the facts surrounding it...we were RDM'd but rather than complain we RP'd and took them down. Nothing further I can say.

You can see at the begining of the video we were taking fire from the hilltop - randomly with no RP at all.

And besides...i'm not convinced that Snipes didn't have the same idea - he turned into me at the same time I turned into him. (Yes yes yes...i did plan on doing it)

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snipes has said its fine, so we won't have any more hard feelings ok

I'll happily upload it if you like, mate. But note that if you're going to complain and whine, wasting admins time and trying to get people banned then you better be faultless in your own RP'ing. I have never committed any crimes against you or your team but you tried to do exactly what you're accusing the guys of doing.

You pursued me with the express intention of hitting me (And you know this to be true) after I'd died anyway... You also joined our gang to do so. (Included in the footage.) That should be bannable. I play with Sandisk and FF Guy but I have never intentionally killed anyone (With the exceptions of running over plebs who jumped in front of my car and chopper incidents killing my team mates - due to my lag issues which is why I was not on last night until i fix it.)

Rather than bitching or moaning on the forums I just got on with it. So do the guys. You died, move on. The DB is so screwed for me at the moment that i respawn with gear and cash that i had from last week - it forgets what I've earned in the time I've played... But rather than bitch about it, I know admins are working on that as we speak. 

I saw in a previous post that you were offended by someone mentioning you age and I understand that, but your eagerness to moan and try to get regulars banned / pursuing dead players with RDM and attempted VDM / constant bickering / breaking of RP is getting tiresome. 

I've met you in game and have been respectful and acted as if I've been a new player in line with the rules. You need to do the same. It sounds like your friends fired first and yet you cry when that is retaliated. Just move on and enjoy the game. No one enjoys dying but luckily you get to respawn with fresh opportunities. 


I was flying the Mohawk that night & yea if it was your guys in the Orca we chased you for a laugh but Ramming was never mentioned  we eventually got bored & flew away this was after we pooped ourselves when we almost hit the ground 

Just for the record I also have footage. 


Please let it drop & leave it up to the admins to sort out it is their call after all not yours mine or anyone else's . 

If your are actively trying to get someone banned that is not cool.


Anyway lets remember this is just a game & not real so lets all chill out & not turn this into a vendetta by trying to get anyone & everyone banned. We have all done stupid things in game & not strictly followed the letter of the law as long as once we realize we did something wrong we try not to do it again.

This is Bullitt AKA the voice of reason. 

As I said chasing is not ramming, if you don't know that I worry for you mate. My friends were annoyed that you killed them by crashing a heli into them, which as I found out was against the rules. But they have decided that it was in the heat if the moment and I won't be pursueing bans any longer. I mentioned that in the post above, but seemingly you want to antagonise me, lets just accept it and move on. Mate I have had no trouble from you and hear you're a nice friendly player, hopefully we can resolve this and enjoy the game as friends not enemies.

Your friends also logged out upon death and relogged just after which I believe is against all the rules top. ...........just saying

Bullit - We don't try and get anyone banned, which is why we didn't report your guys for the initial RDM which led to this.

I'm sorry your friends were annoyed...but how do you think we felt when we were going about our business when a hail of sustained gunfire for about 10 mins reigned down us from the top of a mountain?

Difference is, we just got on with it in the interest of having fun. They can't be annoyed because we turned the situation around: can they?

And I do believe that after the event I came straight onto this very forum and told snipes we enjoyed tonight...to which he also did. Until of course this morning when you all had a change of heart and cried ban.

Anyway, if i'm still around (i.e. not banned - and thats for the admins now since it's here) next time i'm on i'll have no issues Rping as we always do: I don't hold grudges.

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