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lost 65 cannabis from extreme de-sync leading to server restart

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Active member
Brighton, UK
In-game name: HenryB~

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198127306405


What was lost: 65 cannabis

Value of item/money lost: 270k

Quick description of what happened:

I just landed outsided of kavala ready to try and sell my weed, I went to the garage to get a car and it said i had no vehicles, someone suggested it was because of the extreme de-sync we were having today.

So I ran to the dealer sold one load and before I could get to the cash-point lost connection to the server.

yup I just lost connection too due to massive server desync, luckily I had nothing important on me :)

Hello, Right unfortunatly from my Standpoint i cannot be sure you would of sold the Drugs without issue, Perhaps the police would have picked you up or a rebel would of got to you.

After review i will Have to Deney this please contact me Via PM or on TS if you have an issue.

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