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lost lifetime donater tag


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
The Netherlands
@Wilco @Ciaran Lost my lifetime donator tag can you help me out, went to staff room and they told me to make a topic.

Thx for your help

Are you talking about TS? Cos I've rummaged through your forum stuff, and the LD tag is there.

Wish people would be specific... it wastes much less of my time, and I generally kill many fewer people that way... ;)

Are you talking about TS? Cos I've rummaged through your forum stuff, and the LD tag is there.

Wish people would be specific... it wastes much less of my time, and I generally kill many fewer people that way... ;)
He means on the forums, for us we can't see his golden name or golden tag. (Got a pic below.)lddd.PNG

Thanks. Yeah. Sussed that now. Oddly, I can see the little yellow crown award below, which signifies he has Lifetime Donator Award. Not sure how that's interlinked with the yellow name though. This may have to wait for @Wilco or @Ciaran after all.

@Finchyy - please don't hijack another member's support thread. 
@TCK Jax Teller - I've added you back into the LD member-group (which was missing), and you now have the yellow block below your name... however, I think something has changed recently on the Forum engine; the flickery yellow name business seems to be missing from yours and a number of other people's names.

I'll raise this with @Wilco in due course - it's possible it's something to do with a recent Forum update.

@Finchyy - please don't hijack another member's support thread. 
@TCK Jax Teller - I've added you back into the LD member-group (which was missing), and you now have the yellow block below your name... however, I think something has changed recently on the Forum engine; the flickery yellow name business seems to be missing from yours and a number of other people's names.

I'll raise this with @Wilco in due course - it's possible it's something to do with a recent Forum update.
I think because the server update it changed because I was whitelisted again for thje police. And since then i lost my yellow name en LD tag below my name. Still have the crown

Aha... Fixed it @TCK Jax Teller - you needed to have your LD be your PRIMARY group. My bad. Fixed now.

Wilco tells me the reason you drop out of the group is because a later donation times out, or something. Bug in the forum code, and nothing we can do other than plonk you back in it. Now that I know how, I can do this again! LOL.

Thanks for your donations and sorry for any inconvenience. 

@Finchyy - please don't hijack another member's support thread. 
@TCK Jax Teller - I've added you back into the LD member-group (which was missing), and you now have the yellow block below your name... however, I think something has changed recently on the Forum engine; the flickery yellow name business seems to be missing from yours and a number of other people's names.

I'll raise this with @Wilco in due course - it's possible it's something to do with a recent Forum update.

I'm having the same problem as jax ... so instead of making a exact duplicate of this thread I may as well post my problem here so when someone who deals with this comes across it it's easy to pick up....

in my eyes this is easyer if anything for you guys if u want me to make another thread that's fine 

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