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Lost my everything. (Completed)

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Active member
In-game name:

Kaan [PT-s]

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):


What was lost:

 All my licences, including all that's buyable from DVLA and weed, firearm, cocaine and rebel licence.

Value of item/money lost:

The items were About 400-500k. Licences were about 800k I believe, and my cash was 1.1m.  

Quick description of what happened:

 As I logged into game around 23.00 or something like that, I had no problem at all. My items and my money was there, where it was supposed to be at. In my bank there was 1.1m, in my inventory my weapons & gears were there, my licences were pretty much there as well. The last thing I did was to buy 20k suit + tie from clothes shop, then I played for 10 minutes more, just walked around, got a little bored, took  a break. Then I logged out for 4-5 minutes. Then logged in again, and selected to spawn at my house. When I did, I suddenly spawned at the middle of ocean. I was like " seriously? o_O"  and logged out before I was drowned, thought and suspected that somebody was hacking server. (I experienced the same thing before, and lost 200k, by randomly falling down from sky without parachute while walking on street) 

So anyway. When I logged in again, I spawned at Athira, (ah one more detail, I had 50k bounty on me) and boom.  my bounty was not there. Then I changed my vision to 3rd person and saw that my cloth was beginner clothes. Then opened my inventory and got shocked, none of my items were there, I had 100k money (which I believe is money that is given to new beginners)  and there were no licences at all... all I worked for was just gone in a second. 

NOTE: Though, I still own everything in my garage and my houses. 

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