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Low Rider having speakers but cant change the radio music form outside


So I talked in game , as I been told it can normally be heard the radio you listen to as long you open your trunk, when I did I hear the sountrack the normal when you log in.

When I went to the mechanic they told me it can be switched after a while of playing around they told me to ask here if its intended or not.

As they said that it might be a bug, a now the question is it a bug or not ? that when I open the trunk the music is always the same even when I switch the radio ?

Not heard of this being a thing myself, like I know you can hear the car radio outside, but not geared anything about opening the boot for louder external audio

Just out of curiosity they weren't thinking of something like the club which has external speakers on the roof?

Not heard of this being a thing myself, like I know you can hear the car radio outside, but not geared anything about opening the boot for louder external audio

Just out of curiosity they weren't thinking of something like the club which has external speakers on the roof?
naah realised what's the problem if I play the vannila from the game music there is no problem but the moment I switch the music from the server one of the radios I mean it starts playing the server  sountrack dunno why that happens and if intended

naah realised what's the problem if I play the vannila from the game music there is no problem but the moment I switch the music from the server one of the radios I mean it starts playing the server  sountrack dunno why that happens and if intended
The low rider can only play original in game radio music out loud,
