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Lower all Vehicle Speeds by 20 - 30 mph.

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Cameron W

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
As of now on the server driving is far too fast paced for everyone in my and many other people's opinion. With taxis rallying around at 100mph, civilians flying around at 120 mph + and honestly police doing the exact same. I’m proposing that speeds get dropped across the board by 20 - 30mph. This includes every single vehicle* on the server including police vehicles.

*Taking into account that vehicles like HGVs, diggers etc are probably fine where they are for the sake of having fun.*


  • Pursuits will last longer making them more enjoyable for everyone involved. Also allows police to effectively use tactics without it turning into a bid “desyncy” mess.
  • Will be less desync in general due the pace of everything slowing down.
  • May help with game crashes when going through areas at extremely high speeds.
  • Promote the use of air vehicles within the server.
  • Less hospital check-ins from high speed crashes and local vehicles just appearing from thin air.


  • Might take slightly longer to get from A to B
  • Development time e.g. Time Sensitive things may need tweaked within the server. (The time to rob a shop for example to account for police response times being slower.)

Pursuits won't last longer, police cars are still gonna be 2x the speed of any other car.
Also won't make sense for super cars.

*Taking into account that vehicles like HGVs, diggers etc are probably fine where they are for the sake of having fun.*
So pounders and bensons can continue to go 100+mph

but cars can't? 

Pursuits will last longer making them more enjoyable for everyone involved. Also allows police to effectively use tactics without it turning into a bid “desyncy” mess.
This is massively a police-sided suggestion. You think cars are too fast, so civillians are getting away, and you aren't catching criminals so a longer pursuit gives you more chance. 

The cars are tuned pretty well already, and do get changed and modified from time to time.  I don't think this needs to change at all -1

Cars 100% need tuning, but it will get done, would like to see cars taking more than one hit though to extend pursuits instead of making them slow as shit! 

Just fill the city with speed cameras or code in electronic speed limiters, so in the city you can't go over 30 but once on a highway it unlocks if you wanted, lots and lots of code work tho

Rachie might like the extra cameras to cut tho

Taxi speeding fines should be sent directly to the person who rented the taxi. This would slow down taxi drivers and stop them from loitering abandoned taxis throughout the city. 


Cars already got slowed once and tbh if we want the cars atleast to be a bit reallistic lowering them even more than what some of them already are is gonna be a bit shite ngl

  • Pursuits will last longer making them more enjoyable for everyone involved. Also allows police to effectively use tactics without it turning into a bid “desyncy” mess.
I think there's better changes to implement that will promote longer and more enjoyable pursuits than just lowering all vehicle speeds, imo it removes the fun aspect of driving a car fast which I enjoy on both sides of crim and police. 


Pursuits won't last longer, police cars are still gonna be 2x the speed of any other car.
Also won't make sense for super cars.
It says all cars in the suggestion, which I'm assuming means police cars as well.

@HappyKnifeCan you confirm you meant all vehicles, thus not shifting the balance any way just bringing everything down to more realistic speeds?

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It says all cars in the suggestion, which I'm assuming means police cars as well.

@HappyKnifeCan you confirm you meant all vehicles, thus not shifting the balance any way just bringing everything down to more realistic speeds?
Cars are already at realistic speeds reducing cars down by 20-30mph is actually the unrealistic part.

Not a fan of this at all, As people have said the cars need re-tuning not reducing in speed.

Most modern super cars will hit 200mph no problem IRL, IC they're already 20-30mph slower if not less, And without listing of countless examples of other cars already slower than their IRL counterpart lowering speeds by another 20-30mph will make the server feel like a proper slog, Not to mention how much it would effect the racing scene and how cars work at high speeds. -1

I'd agree with haulers and bigger vehicles, yes maybe need a re work on acceleration and what not but there is nothing stopping them from eventually getting to those sort of speed irl, also think there are a few cars that need re worked to be quicker than they are currently more than they need a decrease in speed.


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