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LRPS And Colonel Beret

Wow! Can't believe you've robbed 20 generals for those berets!

Those berets have either been duped in the hat factory or someone has seriously abused their whitelisting from months ago.

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Those berets have either been duped in the hat factory or someone has seriously abused their whitelisting from months ago.
I think it is somebody abusing their whitelisting to be fair, I have already supplied a link to the video to staff  when i found the house and the grid ref 

Generals have always been the ONLY people who could get those with their whitelisting. So either someone has been saving / buying them up for years or these are dupes.

To my knowledge only one of these berets has been lost from the head of a general in the past couple of months...

looks like whoever owns the house has a lot of explaining to do 
Indeed 😂
