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MACCAS (Rejected)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
07:16AM - 21/03/2015
Which Server did this happen on:
Server #1
Description of what happened:
Individual ran me over with a Zamack for no apparent reason, wasn't in trouble or under arrest, just really wanted to get past in a hurry.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No. Too much going on in Kavala.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:


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if you were in that part, he is in  a truck and there isnt much turning room without him crashing when trying to avoid you and like you said he was in a hurry

Yeah because I'm trying to deal with a restrained individual. He was asked to wait but did not comply. 

Edit: He was parked behind the individual being restrained, he was not coming into Kavala. He got into the truck and went around the suspects vehicle to drive over us.

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Yeah because I'm trying to deal with a restrained individual. He was asked to wait but did not comply. 

Edit: He was parked behind the individual being restrained, he was not coming into Kavala. He got into the truck and went around the suspects vehicle to drive over us.
ok yea, I tusht thought I'd say as if it was he was speeding down a small pathway and didn't see you untill it was too late or didn't want to turn and crash in iukd have seen this as a stupid reprt but that's not the case. Thanks for clearing it up
I don't make stupid reports, I gather evidence on all rulebreakers during my night shift then write up reports on the ones who I truly think deserved it in the morning.

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Hey man, I know MACCAS pretty well and I can assure you he was just kidding around by this and didn't mean anything by it, I can organise a chat in teamspeak when I get home if you like as it would suck for him to get banned over something like this. I'm at school atm and tried to contact him through steam but I think he's at work and might be around the same time as me. Would you be up for that?

No that's ok mate I'm happy to drop it if he's a genuine player that made a mistake. I just hadn't seen his name before so jumped to the conclusion that it's a troll. I only tend to make player reports against people that the server really doesn't need - but if he's a regular then let's drop this and move on. Just a heads up for the future if a cop asks you not to drive off its best to comply as it's easy to misinterpret people on the Internet.

Consider it dropped, but tell him to be more careful!

Okay, cheers! I'll tell him about it as I don't think he saw that he was reported. Thanks for dropping the report man.

I cant even remember this?, if i knew about this i would of jumped on teamspeak asap and said sorry for it, i must of not even seen you. Im sorry about that mate.

No that's ok mate I'm happy to drop it if he's a genuine player that made a mistake. I just hadn't seen his name before so jumped to the conclusion that it's a troll. I only tend to make player reports against people that the server really doesn't need - but if he's a regular then let's drop this and move on. Just a heads up for the future if a cop asks you not to drive off its best to comply as it's easy to misinterpret people on the Internet.

Consider it dropped, but tell him to be more careful!

Hey @, MACCAS is a recruit in Fear company, being his NCO I can assure you that MACCAS would never do something like this intentionally or to troll. 

If you like, I can have a word with him, or get you in touch. Just send me a PM, or message on teamspeak.


Sgt. Washington

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No don't worry guys all is forgotten! It's too easy to slap the label of troll on someone considering the amount of factors (direct being quiet/desync) etc. I jumped to a misinformed conclusion and for that I apologise :p

No don't worry guys all is forgotten! It's too easy to slap the label of troll on someone considering the amount of factors (direct being quiet/desync) etc. I jumped to a misinformed conclusion and for that I apologise :p

No need to apologise my friend, next time all we'd ask is finding the player on teamspeak or coming to one of the higher ranks before posting the report, but appreciate you listening to us and being willing to resolve the issue. 

Thanks again!

Sgt. Washington.

No need to apologise my friend, next time all we'd ask is finding the player on teamspeak or coming to one of the higher ranks before posting the report, but appreciate you listening to us and being willing to resolve the issue.

Thanks again!

Sgt. Washington.
Read and Understood.

PC Michael

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