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Make More Items Craftable In Prison


Well-known member
Bay CIty
Recently a few of 229 and other gangs have been hit with large sentences in RP and you can be in the prison for quite some time .

I think it would be a good idea if when searching you could find parts to make weapons for example a knife . You would have to find different items in the searchable areas and you could craft a weapon in a designated area. This could lead to different gang RP in prisons and RP for police in having to search people for weapons and the parts used to craft them. It would also make more sense to find random bits of metal/wood in the new rubble searching area.

I also think the idea of finding parts to craft a radio would be unique as you can have RP ongoing with people outside of the prison much like a phone . For example you could use radios to communicate with your gang on the outside and set up kidnappings with people who may have caused you harm in prison.

pros : Can create more RP and uniqueness to prison

cons: ALOT of dev work

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There are a load of possibilities simply commenting only to shit on someone's parade because they play crim instead of cop is petty. 
Fortunately Darren I do actually agree with the suggestion and like the idea of being able to craft stuff in prison, I am just providing context as to why emotes were removed in prison, hope your feelings are still intact.

Fortunately Darren I do actually agree with the suggestion and like the idea of being able to craft stuff in prison, I am just providing context as to why emotes were removed in prison, hope your feelings are still intact.
I think he was talking in general, cuz all you do is talk down on crims who have any negative opinions on police, discord and forums. You make it feel like having an opinion on the police makes us stupid.

So yeah prolly just a general consensus from his interactions with you that’s all 🙂 

dazz on top
