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Make the pink cage the Singh motel and make it usable to rent rooms


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Hello all, 

Currently the motel which we hang around at as our spot has multiple rooms and a guy welcoming people to the city when interacted with. We came up with an idea in RP to open the motel and rent rooms to people for x amount of time.

Houses are rare in the city and can be very costly which leaves people who have just flown in or haven't been around that long homeless and no where to chill out and put there belongings. 
If the motel allowed guests to book rooms through some sort of system, People who want a short term stay for days or weeks can rent a lockable room where they can park, put things away in a safe within the room and have a key for that amount of time. 

It also allows newer players to connect with others in the motel and have a starting place to not feel so lost and helpless when finding out how things are done in the city. 

This would benefit those who: 

  • Don't have, want or cant afford a house and are looking to save up towards one
  • Want to lay low from police, gangs and the likes of 
  • can be booked for party's, gangs, stag / hen do's etc
  • Just want to chill out somewhere different 

Having our hang around location become our own motel would be a massive benefit to us also as a group and would give us a different approach as an income compared to the usual ways done currently in the city. 

We could host a lot more events here and bring a mix of people over for good roleplay scenarios. The Singhs running this motel could have many opportunities coming from it such as pool party's and numerous other ideas. We are also hosting the NHS blood donation at the motel. The skateboarding / BMX park on top of the motel also is a hub for tenants staying to hang out. Looking towards the future having group benefits would bring us a steady income and able us to put on more massive events which we are known for such as rumble at the ranch. 

Main features

- Shared inventory for the staff

- Car parking  

-A system for renting out the motel rooms. (we currently do this just in RP) and able to evict tenants if needed.

- Lockable doors on the rooms and able to give keys for the rooms rented

- Safes added to the rooms

Bonus features

- Signs around to motel changed to suit the Singh Motel name change etc

-  Dj booth (Would make hanging around and events a lot more fun)

- An office area to manage tenants and have meetings, could be one of the rooms. 


- Apart from a lot of dev work cant see much. 

Having this would allow us to keep going in the direction we are and being something different within the city and allow a lot more engagement.  

We understand this is a lot to ask for and would require dev work and a lot of personal time however we believe this is not only to benefit ourselves but all the people we will interact with in the city and bring good quality RP to through this. 

Thank you






Last edited by a moderator:
Love this even more with the changes, great way of rewarding the Singhs for their quality RP and at the same time adding a lot of RP opportunities to the server and stuff to do for both new and established players.

Great people and they always provide quality RP. I showed up to the motel and they gave me a good tour of the place and were very kind and welcoming.

What a brilliant proposition. Love the idea aspecialy to help the newer people. I can see this bring new rp situation to the city as well. Let's have it right the Singhs do deserve a place to call home. 1+
