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Makenzie Out Flying High

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Well-known member
Wagwan all, 

Due to my mental health ive decided to take some time away from arma 3, everything going on in my life has lead to me making this difficult choice, but right now I will not be coming on, on top of that I am rapidly losing interest in Arma 3, overall I feel that video games are affecting me hard and fast, I know this may be a shock to some people but it has been a long time coming. I would like to thank the many, many people who have supported me and helped me throughout my time here, a lot of them I genuinely feel that look out for me, you know who you are.

So without further or do,

Au revoir people of RPUK, will see you sometime in the future.

Idk who you are, but I just wanted to wish you well and hopefully we may meet in the future! 🙂

A wise decision, mental health should never be ignored. Take care Makenzie and hopefully we will see you back here again one day ❤️

wtf dude why u leave me

Anyway Makenzie i love you my guy, hope to see you in the near future dont forget about me and my potatoes ❤️ 

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Aw mate no.... its sad to see you go we had a great time together mate! Take it easy and have a nice one!

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