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Maqdafky - Held up and knocked out in the Greenzone

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Mikey Kearns

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Maqdafky
Time & Date this happened: Around 4:30 and 03/08/2015
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: I was responding to call about A hemit box at the drug dealer when i drove past the hospital in kavala and i seen a tempist parked outside it and a guy running back and forth to it from the drug dealer which i think is abusing the green zone anyway i went up to him and asked him what was he doing and he said he was taking a rest i asked him could i search his truck as there was an ongoing drug situation going on he said sure and i found 115 marjuana in it and i asked him to put his hands on his head and i restrained him after a few minutes of me questioning him about the owner of the truck his buddys came behind me and held me up in the green zone and told me to unrestrain his friend which i did and 2 of the guys escaped but the 3rd guy brought me inside the hospital and knocked me out twice and ran away. 
What Rule Was Broken ?: 6D)[SIZE=medium] You are unable to rob/knockout anyone in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

6C)[SIZE=medium] Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No because i cant find him on teamspeak.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here http://plays.tv/video/55bfa54ee84466e9e7
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
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