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Maratek is now in charge of police



I wish you all the luck I can give you, like a gif of unicorns wishing you a happy birthday.


Fair well old chap.

about a month ago i had 2 weeks off from altis because i was so bored of altis in general, i went on patrol with vlad and then you and ever since then i realise that you both got me back into the police and stopped me from leaving..

from then i have had so much fun going out on patrol with you (no offence to any other people i have been on) but patrols will never be the same again and that sucks.

you have been a friend and a pain in the ass but i have enjoyed every minute!

I'm gona miss you bro

It's been a pleasure. You've set a great example for us all to follow, your legacy lives on.

Good luck.

Mitch i will never forget how we fucked shit up and spent a whole day to catch one fish in DayZ than ended up both getting food poisoning plus many other adventures. I will always be you Americain Detroit representative.   #RESPECT



You were the first and my last. I wish you all the best my friend. 

The community thanks you for all your work your a true gent. All the best in the future and i hope we can go on the skiing/snowboarding trip soon. 

Love ya bro. (Im actually sad)

I was going to post a sad gif here. But there was not one sad enough to post...

All I have to say is, I've enjoyed working alongside you as a admin, and as a officer. And I do hope I will catch you round sometime.

All the best, Ciaran
