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Mass Effect Adromeda

Ghost Spectre

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Here is a begin footage after i created my character. from the new game Mass Effect. now 10h gameplay till the 23 march. I thought lets share a bit so people can see how great it looks like!

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Moved it to other games rather than Altis life chat.

Defo keeping my eye on this though, waiting for the reviews though as they seem really mixed atm

Can you imagine if we actually did find that kind of tech on Mars? Looks good!

Shame there isn't an ME multiplayer free-roam game. I would play the crap out of that.

Due to the 10 h limit I haven't spent nearly long enough in character customization,but it feels kinda limited in comparison to all the other games,like ,you cant even change the nose shape... I do love the UI ,it really is shouting all over the place "modern Mass Effect". Facial animations for Sara Ryder seem very mixed to me,sometimes its fine and sometimes she does some weird shit with her face.Im yet to play proper mp game,but the amount of unique characters didn't look all that impressive,tho if it'll be anything like ME3,im sure well get some fun characters.overall,im really tempted to buy the game ,but I'll make my decision after the 10h mark and some reviews.On a side note,combat is sick as a vanguard with a shotgun )))

I can tell that is is heavy on pc specs. however the looks are amazing. Indeed the character costum are limited compared to fallout games. So far i love it :p I love the idea of the pathfinder as my interests are in astronomy etc. Eventually the humans get there. Adromeda exist in real life as a sister galaxy < in more detail its the closest galaxy and in i don't know how many year our galaxy and the adromeda will merge in real life.

If you place the age of our young planet on a year calendar then it is soo funny to realize that humans only exist the last 60 sec of December 31. So mass effect can be more reality then we think :p in the future. 

The game is fantastic and we get the first patch when it official release. I have played it 5 hours now and there are so much things you can do. I also tested the multiplayer with vanguard indeed @dzul it is sick :) 

I'm not paying for the origin club thing that lets you play early, but I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't few bugs and hotfixes now that a fair few more people have played it.

Also, I'm just happy there is a new Mass Effect game. So there's that.

Does anyone know if your ME3 save makes a difference to this one?

I'm not paying for the origin club thing that lets you play early, but I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't few bugs and hotfixes now that a fair few more people have played it.

Also, I'm just happy there is a new Mass Effect game. So there's that.

Does anyone know if your ME3 save makes a difference to this one?
Not in the slightest,AI leaves Milky Way before ME3 and during ME2 ;)

I'm not paying for the origin club thing that lets you play early, but I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't few bugs and hotfixes now that a fair few more people have played it.

Also, I'm just happy there is a new Mass Effect game. So there's that.

Does anyone know if your ME3 save makes a difference to this one?

Not in the slightest,AI leaves Milky Way before ME3 and during ME2 ;)
You don't need to import your ME3 save but you do need to select if your shepard was male or female. Probably for the museum on the nexus.

Not in the slightest,AI leaves Milky Way before ME3 and during ME2 ;)
You don't need to import your ME3 save but you do need to select if your shepard was male or female. Probably for the museum on the nexus.
Oh, so I guess the playthrough I was doing of ME3 doesn't matter then ... okay ..... bit of a let down, but not a deal breaker.

You don't need to import your ME3 save but you do need to select if your shepard was male or female. Probably for the museum on the nexus.
It;s propably for reference,you know ,so they'd say she instead of he,etc.

Most likely, yeah. I do playthroughs with both, and I'm still not sure who I prefer. I think I'm leaning more towards FemShep.

I'm not paying for the origin club thing that lets you play early
Yeah, I lied.

Played a couple of hours now, and started with a female Ryder. Not sure if I like her or not, but I also don't know if I can be bothered to start again just yet. It's a steep learning curve, with a lot of new combat mechanics - some of which are very cool. Definitely recommend playing if you get a chance.

I might have a browse of the online faces that people have made. I wish there was a way to change your face part way through, especially after seeing it in different lights and circumstances, but hey-ho. I've got 8 hours left to mess around with, and then once the game is launched officially I can play as much as I like!

Ok, so I'm officially in love with this game. I'm always down for new abilities and the like, but some of these are absolutely fantastic and perfect for my type of combat: personal favourite at the moment is a literally shield of biotic energy that rebounds enemy projectiles back towards them, which is incredibly useful against some of the enemies that have, what are essentially miniguns. They've also revamped some of the existing powers, including pull - holding down the power button for pull lets you physically pick them up and carry them around, and using throw on them whilst you've got them suspended in midair lets you turn them into an enemy cannonball and fires them off into walls, ceilings, or over the edge of large crevasses.

For those of you who have played Mass Effect in the past, I'd usually either play the Vanguard or Infiltrator classes, occasionally the Adept just for the biotic awesomeness. With Andromeda, you don't have to worry about what class you've chosen, as you get to pick 'profiles' - essentially a mechanic that allows you to choose your class on the fly! You can assign profiles with different abilities, so that depending on the situation you can completely change the way you play. Being overwhelmed? Change to a profile that gives you health bonuses and powers. Oh, and profiles also affect your jump jet - standard animations are to use it to jump, hover, or boost forwards - so if you choose the Infiltrator profile, you temporarily cloak when you boost forwards, but if you choose Adept or Vanguard, then, instead of a jump jet, you use your goddamned biotic powers to fly and boost around like a motherfrakking badass.

Like I said, I love this game. You lucky Americans who get the full release today. Us Europeans have to wait :(

Still, two hours left on the Origin playtime ...
