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Me as a officer of altis? Poll


Account suspended upon users request.
North Yorkshire
I recently went for a interview as a police officer. in my interview i scored 74 (50 needed to pass)
i was aware you had to be 18 to apply when i did apply however i am 15.

Me and Dave had a long discussion and what we concluded was... it was fair i passed the interview
But due to be been 15 it would be unfair on all the other people who were underage and applied and go denied. i did some asking around on ts and everyone i asked said yes as long i could rp at a good standard witch is true as i have never had a rp complaint

i came up with some suggestions please cast a vote and do not be a mindless asshole and go for D because you dont know me and dont like me. Please consider if you have had a rp history with me in the past. I was also in. S.W.A.T team and a cop in 2 other places

A Put me on trial see what the community thinks if the think i am fine and providing i pass the trial i become a cop however if they are up-set then i dont join the force

B let me tag along with cops as a rebel after any arrest or what not ask them what they would think of been a officer the community decide

C put me in the force right off the bat if people complain ill resign

D Go fuck yourself you're too young

Poll will end in 72 hours

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I don't see any reason for you to not be allowed to join the force as long as you RP and does the job as well as everyone else does, so I voted A.

In the most not personal way, no.

Because I for one, would not listen to one sounding younger than me, telling me what to do.

Sorry bud.

Im  for a D, since aparently no exceptions, only exceptions that were made by killerabbit in the past.

Im for a D, since aparently no exceptions, only exceptions that were made by killerabbit in the past.
killerabit has retired And me and CC Dave had a very long chat about his. Also 6 officers on ts have agree they woundnt mind me on the force if I rp well. I would ask you to re-consider you vote nice now Dave is the one that handles "exceptions"
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I also talked to dave and he said no exceptions, so im still up for a D
what I was meaning by this was that Dave has not delcared me as a exception however has has not said 100% no more 99% hence this poll. I just fell you have voted for the wrong reason
Im saying A.

As i've been a subject of the age hate (reason i actually quit the force) 

I believe everyone has a rightful chance to prove themselves, as you may be a good rp'er when you are a cop but we will need to see by you playing ingame, we won't find out if you aren't a cop.

I acctualy might be voting from the wrong reason, for example i aggre with lewis 100% but until they change that i must stay with a D. if its ever changed :)

In the most not personal way, no.

Because I for one, would not listen to one sounding younger than me, telling me what to do.

Sorry bud.
Feck me if I thought like this I would listen to no one. ;)

I went for A to my mind you play on this server & if you prove yourself why the hell not after all some 15 year old's are more mature & level headed than others & some are like Price . :D

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I joined the police when I was 16, an exception being made as the server was extremely new and we were averaging about 15 players on a good night. I managed to end up as a DI before I quit, which I guess proves that a younger cop can still be a good one!

And to people saying they could not be spoken to by a cop younger than them, that is quite an arrogant thing to say and it is the reason some younger cops have left due to the bitchiness it causes.

Nope. Wouldnt have 15 yo cops in real life.
I don't think you would have cops patrolling domestic areas with assault rifles in real life.

I don't think you would have 15 minute prison sentences for quad-homicide and millions of pounds of drug trafficing in real life.

I don't think you would have a drivers licence that only costs a small price and requires no lessons or assessment in real life.

I don't think you would have a bank which still do not invest in higher security despite getting robbed up to 5 times a day in real life.

I don't think you would have to holster your weapon before you go to bed in real life.

I don't think you would be able to process hundreds of thousands of pounds of drugs in 25 seconds in real life.

I don't think the chief of police would get his job after a few months of training in real life.

I could go on, the point it this is not real life.
