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Mecidon Away!

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Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Hi to all of my friends and everyone else, my time has come and a lot of my friends are leaving so here I am, writing my farewells for now, perhaps forever, perhaps soon, who knows? ;) Some of you may not know me, some might. I hope to see you all some other time <3 Not gonna tag anyone as all my friends here on RPUK know I love them plenty, so this is my general good bye to all of you! Adios for now! <3

I hope my time here brought entertainment to some of you at least!

Add me on steam if you wish to stay in touch with me :)


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The times I have met you in-game have been funny as hell, you stories about your company and how you hire people, regardless of where you go next I wish you all the best, your RP is on point everytime!

You will be missed! 

Seeing your journey from sitting in the back of our taxi after being stranded in Agios to you reaching high in the UNMC has been amazing. Never had a mediocre or boring moment with you, always RP in its finest. 


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It was a good run @Potatinator buddy, had lots of fun encounters us two! I may be back, I may not be, either way, good luck and I hope we see eachother around at some point! <3

Love ya too man, look after yourself and dont be a stranger im sure we got plenty of games in common we can play :)

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