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Medics on Tanoa

TCK Craig

Well-known member
I would just like to make a point that i see,

Tanoa needs medics on the island, this is because when we get people whom are coming from Altis coming and getting quad bikes and crashing and dying and complaining, as they think its easy to make money and then they leave the server as i can understand as they are broke.

This can be avoided if you can incorporate some medical assistance that we can log in and drive at least and revive people and get something like 250 per revive. and a basic wage as this would be something that many people i know would like to see in some way added if possible. 

well this is a in the tanoa section so i did not know whom to add to it.

You use a defib, you get the investment of buying one back.  So just buy one, carry it in your truck and use it if you see a crash.  Be nice to newcomers and give them a warm welcome, instead of requiring medics.  The island has a friendly population, let's keep it that way.


You use a defib, you get the investment of buying one back.  So just buy one, carry it in your truck and use it if you see a crash.  Be nice to newcomers and give them a warm welcome, instead of requiring medics.  The island has a friendly population, let's keep it that way.
what if your alone? and don't have a truck? as some people are new and don't know where to start on the island and some don't listen to people whom are established on the island as i have come across so many whom i tried to help and they just quit because they lost everything and some people don't know how to drive and also steal your defibs that you own without out helping you as its happened to me.

If these people are trying stunts like that, great, just record it and post it in a 'What Not To Do As A New Arrival On Tanoa' guide.

The reason for the Defib system is twofold. It removes the requirement of another level of Admin on Tanoa (NHS Medics) and it ensures the higher level players have a responsibility of care towards the new players, thus upping the Roleplay opportunities.

It has been working fine so far and I haven't had an issue with idiots not roleplaying. Maybe I have just been lucky....

Rather than NHS, I suggest an alternative that is much more in the vein of the Defib system, 'Emergency Channel 7'.

In the US, the CB radio system is still quite well used, especially among the trucks and the radio always scans two channels, your selected channel and Channel 7. so if there is any emergency assistance required the user broadcasts on Channel 7 and everyone who can help responds. Truckers will go out of their way to help those stuck in trouble and using Channel 7 (Even if this is just relaying the message on) and it also is tracked by all relevant emergency services, even in the age of mobiles and social media, Channel 7 is still quite heavily used.

We should try something like this on Tanoa, rather than just going the whole hog of employing Medics. Anyone in need of aid can transmit a message on a Channel 7 type system and anyone who is willing to answer can purchase a simple license (Make the requirement a level based request, say about 20, all police on duty can also see the request on Channel 7) and pick up these calls on Mobile messaging service. If anyone does answer, it multiplies the role play opportunities and allows for many more situations.

I would purchase the license, I am sure most high levels would too, you never know when it might save your life!

EDIT : As an afterthought, this system needs a 'Emergency Channel 7 request' button when you are down, so you create an 'automated distress call' when you are alone.  Any Channel 7 Aider can then respond in the same way as Medics do.

Plus, perish the thought of a robber trying to abuse Channel 7 to lure people to their doom, especially if the cops catch up with them....

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If these people are trying stunts like that, great, just record it and post it in a 'What Not To Do As A New Arrival On Tanoa' guide.

The reason for the Defib system is twofold. It removes the requirement of another level of Admin on Tanoa (NHS Medics) and it ensures the higher level players have a responsibility of care towards the new players, thus upping the Roleplay opportunities.

It has been working fine so far and I haven't had an issue with idiots not roleplaying. Maybe I have just been lucky....

Rather than NHS, I suggest an alternative that is much more in the vein of the Defib system, 'Emergency Channel 7'.

In the US, the CB radio system is still quite well used, especially among the trucks and the radio always scans two channels, your selected channel and Channel 7. so if there is any emergency assistance required the user broadcasts on Channel 7 and everyone who can help responds. Truckers will go out of their way to help those stuck in trouble and using Channel 7 (Even if this is just relaying the message on) and it also is tracked by all relevant emergency services, even in the age of mobiles and social media, Channel 7 is still quite heavily used.

We should try something like this on Tanoa, rather than just going the whole hog of employing Medics. Anyone in need of aid can transmit a message on a Channel 7 type system and anyone who is willing to answer can purchase a simple license (Make the requirement a level based request, say about 20, all police on duty can also see the request on Channel 7) and pick up these calls on Mobile messaging service. If anyone does answer, it multiplies the role play opportunities and allows for many more situations.

I would purchase the license, I am sure most high levels would too, you never know when it might save your life!

EDIT : As an afterthought, this system needs a 'Emergency Channel 7 request' button when you are down, so you create an 'automated distress call' when you are alone.  Any Channel 7 Aider can then respond in the same way as Medics do.

Plus, perish the thought of a robber trying to abuse Channel 7 to lure people to their doom, especially if the cops catch up with them....
maybe like arac, from altis but with a tanoa assistance offroad and you can respond to calls to revive people if they in need of help.  this would be a solution as its another job how ever increasing mission file is the only concern.

I am not talking about it being a job at all, plus the messaging system on Tanoa already includes redundant tabs for ARAC, TAXI and NHS.

My solution is to simply allow the purchase of a license at the office  to allow anyone to become a 'First Responder'.  So they can carry on their job as they want to, but if an emergency call comes in, they can drop everything and roleplay out an emergency situation, even taking charge if no police are involved.

If the police respond to the same Channel 7 call as well, the channel 7 aider gives the police priority in handling the situation, but the police must allow the aider to perform first aid or vehicle repairs while they are then free to check if offences have been committed.

There are no new job requirements or levels of access needed on the mission file, just a small addition to allow those who purchase a license the chance to have access to the Channel 7 frequency.

EDIT : Just to clarify, this Channel 7 option is totally voluntary.  The Aider responding to the call has no job role, he's just trying to help.

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In the Past people bought Arac License to Spawn as close the the airport as possible, no RP no nothing just get to the choppa! and go get guns pew pew,

If this were to happen I can say with confidence people will get the license to become litter pickers, They'll watch sidechat for deaths wait for the revive and go steal peoples cars/trucks/vans/guns all without a simple revive, It'll happen.

Or just my thoughts.

And it doesn't already happen.  I've seen it happen already, multiple times.  It's done by a breed I like to call, 'The Vultures'.  Every road crash or wreck, the Vultures are there picking through the belongings before an Angel actually gets to aid the victim. It happens on Altis too.

If Channel 7 goes through, the Police can arrest a vulture as it is classed as an abuse of Channel 7, as well as theft.  Something that usually carries small fines and penalties, but it's one hell of a social stigma if that knowledge goes public.

It's another side of RP possibility with a Channel 7 system.  Every call might call an Angel or a Vulture.  It's down to the Angels and the Police to keep the Vultures in check.

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this is why the NHS is a neutral response as they cant power gain from this, but we need something in place.

This is why of at times visit server 2 altis, to help out as much as i can since most medics is in server 1.

The decision (not mine) to not include the NHS at the launch of Tanoa was done for the simple reason that management and admins grew tired of the constant complaints that there were never enough medics online (in Altis), or that they didn't respond to calls for aid. Now, in practice, all the times I called (twice, tbh) I was met with prompt response and a courteous life-save... but of course that may just be because they knew who I was. I don't think this really was the reason, though - but I'll never know for sure. I also learned that some people (particularly the poorer RPers, or the people who just got up, ran away, and didn't even say a quick 'thanks mate' let alone engage in any convincing RP) got put on a never-discussed, mental blacklist, which meant that medics would leave them till last, or not bother responding. I can sort of understand that, but technically, it's not a good plan, really.

Anyway... the upshot was that my design/build brief was to leave the NHS out - so they were. They were replaced by the public-access defib system - which although not perfect, and quite possibly not finished (all tbd), seems to work pretty well. I've even seen people playing an NHS/medic/Doctor type role and specifically responding to calls on sidechat for revives, and this is imho highly commendable.

Going forward, I'm not at liberty to say what may or may not be planned, but I am not the person you need to convince, if you want the NHS in the game as an independent faction. Ultimately, the future of such an outcome will be entirely dependent on the demand levels for the outcome, and how coherently they are put across... plus a general level of demand for Tanoa in excess of what we see currently.

I think the issue with the NHS appearance on Altis is that people don't want to be waiting around when they die, they just want to get up and go, which is evidenced by the fact the majority of revives I've carried out don't want to RP with medics "I'm fine" -> Runs away or just tries to push you off as much as possible.

Another issue we face is that after asking a few people about why they didn't want to be a medic it always came down to "they don't earn enough" and when it appears that we aren't responding it generally means we are roleplaying with someone else (or we've been shot at by rebels again!)  Rarely have I seen someone specifically ignore a certain person just based on past actions.

I'd hope that we would have some NHS service on Tanoa (one of the few reasons putting me off it) but it'll be interesting to see what direction it goes down as to if they get added or not
