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Meta-gaming by Ross (Rejected - Metagaming warning & new rules soon)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Ross, Eagleeye was with him as well.
Time & Date this happened:
11 October 2014 at around 7:55pm
Description of what happened:
Just got out of jail (My bounty never reset for some reason after getting put in jail 4 times for that bounty...) and heard over skype my friend got meta-gamed. I decided to check out if he'd do it to me. So i run to the Police station where my friend is and as soon as i arrive i hear him say "Dylan, ooooohhhhhh Dylan." He sound excited. Almost like he found a big bounty on someone. I ran away to retrieve my friends vehicle and met up with another. I pull over to check out where he was headed and Ross decides to pull out infront of me, scream at me "put your hands up" and all that jazz. I just complied and may have used bad language as this was my fourth time getting pulled for that bounty and the metagaming just made me more mad.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
 Yes both me and my friend tried to resolve it with him: "He denied any meta-gaming and acted like we had nothing on him. Then left."


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Hello there Dylan.

I've been on this server for almost 7 months now and this is the first report on me.

Firstly, you will notice you friend said "Dylan shoot him" thats how I know your name. Later I notice you in a car and I now that I know your name, we check out database and arrest you.

Regarding the TS chat. You spammed me constantly until I came into the room then insulted me, therefore I left.

I have gained a reputation here and have no intention of breaking the rules and/or getting banned.

I personally think you are a bit angry about getting caught.


Ross/Dr. Ross

Hello there Dylan.

I've been on this server for almost 7 months now and this is the first report on me.

Firstly, you will notice you friend said "Dylan shoot him" thats how I know your name. Later I notice you in a car and I now that I know your name, we check out database and arrest you.

Regarding the TS chat. You spammed me constantly until I came into the room then insulted me, therefore I left.

I have gained a reputation here and have no intention of breaking the rules and/or getting banned.

I personally think you are a bit angry about getting caught.


Ross/Dr. Ross

I never even tried to textchat/poke you on TS. That was up to JSP. My friend was also the one getting arrested by you. Which also looked to be meta gaming.

I was of course mad. In 4 hours i ended up playing only 1 hour because my bounty wouldn't reset after sitting in jail for 40 minutes  times for the same bounty. I got put in Jail by PCSO Zin for "armed robbery" which i did not actually do. Although i did have the weapon. I got out of jail and the bounty didn't reset. I then went into spawn and was instantly knocked out by another bounty hunter for my "bounty" which shouldn't of been. (Dutchyy can vouch for this) The bounty hunter also asked Zin and he lied through his teeth.

Then you decide to come along and metagame. I think most in my situation would be mad. 

Although the police station may not have been meta gaming even though out of the 5 or more people there you automaticly know which one i am. How did you know that i was the one in the car without asking my name?

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Okay sorry about the mistake there.

Your friend messaged me on teamspeak constantly.

Now thats cleared up, lets get on with other things. We have images of people and hints in which area they are in. We try to RP as much as possible but when people never stop shouting "METAGAME METAGAMING BOUNTYHUNTER".

In your middle paragraph thats nothing to do with me. Contact the admins.

Now the last paragraph.

You turned up and he said

"Dylan shoot him".

Its fairly obvious.

Now the last sentence is fairly obvious.

How do you know who your friend is in a busy place? Ask every single person until someone says they are your friend? No. You recognise their face.

These questions are getting silly now.

EDIT: If you get broken out of jail you keep your bounty, but you weren't wanted for that.

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Okay sorry about the mistake there.

Your friend messaged me on teamspeak constantly.

Now thats cleared up, lets get on with other things. We have images of people and hints in which area they are in. We try to RP as much as possible but when people never stop shouting "METAGAME METAGAMING BOUNTYHUNTER".

In your middle paragraph thats nothing to do with me. Contact the admins.

Now the last paragraph.

You turned up and he said

"Dylan shoot him".

Its fairly obvious.

Now the last sentence is fairly obvious.

How do you know who your friend is in a busy place? Ask every single person until someone says they are your friend? No. You recognise their face.

These questions are getting silly now.

EDIT: If you get broken out of jail you keep your bounty, but you weren't wanted for that
At what point did a friend of mine say shoot him? The guy getting arrested is my friend.As for the guy saying Dielan i don't know who that is.

The last question wasn't fairly obvious. I was in a car pulled over after i ran on foot too and from the police station and this was a good 5 minutes after seeing you at the police station. You would of had to check out my nametag and as for you trying to belittle me on the forum trying to make me feel like a child it's not working.

I was never broken out of jail. I sat and waited 40x4 minutes for the same bounty. I never was once broken out.

You'll see on the pictures during the video that you seem to be a notorious Metagamer.

I was also a fresh spawn with a backpack after getting out of jail which could be anyone and you're trying to say i had features which could distinguish me from the next.

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I'm not trying to make you feel like a child, I am simply defending myself from being banned.

I did check your nametag , but in RP I would recognise your face, whereas in Arma all look similar. Anyway I recognised your clothes etc.

Your trying to get me banned for metagaming when I knew your name...

EDIT: Adding this for your edit.

How do you know i'm a notorious metagamer? You created a forum account to report me... I've been here for almost 7 months and you've probably been here for under 7 days. Again, this is my first forum report, I think your just raging.

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I'm not trying to make you feel like a child, I am simply defending myself from being banned.

I did check your nametag , but in RP I would recognise your face, whereas in Arma all look similar. Anyway I recognised your clothes etc.

Your trying to get me banned for metagaming when I knew your name...
You were set on pulling me over before you could see more than the outline of my body and you admit looking at my nametag while i was sat at the side of the road. 

In real life sure you'd be able to distinguish me. In an Arma full of fresh spawns without looking at name tags it's just a lottery and that wasn't a lottery you bought a ticket too as you clearly ID'd me from a mile off using nametag.

We slowed infront of you. While you started to drive off we blocked you in . Please stop spamming this now, i've made your point and you've made yours. Wait for an admin to decide on this please.

We slowed infront of you. While you started to drive off we blocked you in . Please stop spamming this now, i've made your point and you've made yours. Wait for an admin to decide on this please.

I'm not spamming i want to get all of the arguments out as you were not happy to do so on TS.

As for you slowing infront of me and me "starting to drive off" you were in a normal car overtaking me. Not a police car i genuinely though you were overtaking me. Then i noticed who you were and stopped because i felt i done nothing wrong. Why did i feel like that? Because i stayed in prison and waited out my sentence and bail never reset.

I'm finished posting now as i feel i've provided enough and you've admitted to doing so.

New rules around metagaming will be going in this week.

Moving to rejected but treat this as a warning.... do not metagame!

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