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Mike-Borris Vagin

Kind of biased for me to say this, but Borris has been my friend for well over a year and he is one of the best around. 

Borris have been helping out new players that aren't really aware of what they are doing to improve their RP for a long time. Even if it is straight up trolls, he keeps calm and try his best to help them out. Helping them with basic tasks from how to use their phone all the way to how to sell drugs. Some of these "hobos" have ended up being good friends and improving their RP a lot. 

Hats off to Borris for being a very good friend, gangmember, hobo helper and biggest off all. One hell of a gambling addict! 🃏


Boris was the first friend I found on this server and  sad that I dont have as much interaction with him as last year. Always a pleasure with him!

I 100 agree here i always see Borris taking care of the new peeps.

He is the best dealer around when i was new he made me sell 1000g of coke pr day just so i could have another cool interaction with him 😂

What Boris has achieved on the server since I met him has been amazing and I have loved to watch and even on some occasions be apart of it. Even helped me out when I was a hobo and now im still around to this day. One hell of a guy +1 
