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Mistakes and Mistakes..


Active member
Hey members,

I've been banned in September due racism and I posted some stuff on Tampax's profile and that was just a angry moment because I've been banned for Racism and I couldn't get over it but now I understand it and Tampax gave me 6 months and after that I could appeal again and thats what im gonna do and wait for it and come back to this nice community. I've played on some other servers and it doesn't feel like here. Community members are here nice and very helpful and I just wanna apology to Tampax about my attitude .. Was a stupid mistake. 
Well I will see you guys in 6 months and appeal again. I'll hope you will forgive me for my stupid mistakes I made. They weren't sure aswell but I decided to tell the real story and atleast be a honest players and you have to learn from your mistakes and thats what im gonna do. 

Have a wonderful day!


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well mate at least you are being the big man and moving on and admitting to your mistakes but i wish you the best in the future and i wish you the best with unban appeal
