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Misunderstanding and i will reinburse (Denied)

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E.A. Leevi

Well-known member
Super man punching Wash
HI, i have just been banned for combat logging but its been miss understood firstly i kept none of the gear there upon that death i logged out in rage but honestly i kept nothing i will pay then what ever they would have got off my body which i believe was a mxc so i will give the person the money to buy one outright it was 4am and im sorry that happened and i know its combat logging and i am really sorry for it but they still got the gear they would have got for looting me ill pay them the rest +interest if needed. with it being late we were all tired as it was and planned to go to bed after that so with us getting killed there we were just like well night and went to bed i do apologise massively for that and as i have already said i will reimburse them just probably shouldn't have been up so late playing! Thank you for reading . 

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