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Mitch's And Robot's Fishing Trip Day off.


Retired From ALUK
After starting up with the goal of completing a fishing trip in chernarus, me and robot set out on an adventure! After grabbing two plane tickets we arrived at around 2pm.

After 5 or so hours, and many "deaths" we came across a guy who we managed to swiftly pickaxe in the head knocking him to the ground, robot then handcuffed the guy and we begun our questioning. Later he was executed due to not giving the correct answer for "Who was the first president?"

Then came the moment we was waiting for we finally, finally.. made a fishing rod. At around 11pm..

After constructing this amazing piece of equipment (a stick with some rope and a fishing hook + a dash of worms as bait) and working out how the hell to do it in the first place, we caught our first fish. And what a beauty if was.




Now after our trip and some well needed R+R we are fresher than ever to bring the law the altis life, in fisherman form. 

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The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I like how you hold the fish as well, simply stunning. 

its a beautiful thing. 2 men on a camping trip, fishing for survival. huddling for warmth. i think i have seen this somewhere. brokeback mountain??

P.S me and Mitch both got sick from kissing that fish (dysentery) =(

P.S me and Mitch both got sick from kissing that fish (dysentery) =(
Take dried orange peels and raisin seeds and grind them up very finely. Then mix them in water to drink. After four days the dysentery will stop.

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