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I hopped on this server with some friends of mine and I ended up spending all of my money on gear and weapons because I didn't know how this server worked and I was just following my friends. The only useful thing I've bought is a truck license and an offroader(but that I can't recall for some reason) I want to start doing weed runs but I need to get the license and a vehicle. Right now I really just want to know how to make money without spending too much.

Cider runs! Cost nothing at all,

Go to the Apple trees, pick some apples, process it into Cider at the Cider Processor and then sell them at the Kavala Bar :)

you can find here some money making guides , perfect for starters !  welcome on the server ! :d 

I Would recommend getting started with some legal runs. If you don't have the money to replace the truck that might get scrapped doing a drug run it is probably not the best idea to haul narcotics ;)

Thanks for the help guys I am going to pick apples right now! :D
Also bear in mind that there are robbers as well so since apple trees and cider processing isn't far away from Kavala and Kavala is where most Police patrol, send a dispatch and we will come and help you however when you make a profit, make sure to sell it quickly or somewhere where you won't get robbed :D

There is money to be made there but I aspire to someday be a police officer and I do not want a record when I apply!
Well so much for that, my friends just convinced me to do a weed run with my HEMTT BOX and ended up being chased by 3 police cars for a good 10 minutes and I lost the HEMTT BOX and my gear and 1.3 mil worth of processed weed. RIP
