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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary: I feel like there is a lack to do atm in the city for "content / fun " don't get me wrong , i love the city and i love the people  but its getting very repetitive and i always say about this server is we have amazing people but just lack on a few things

Detailed Suggestion:

Go Karting - I know there is models and mods for GTA Go Karting https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/kart-v there also is a track https://www.gta5-mods.com/maps/indoor-go-karting-track-menyoo-brandonped-s-mods , I don't know how hard or how this would be implemented, I am not familiar at all with stuff like this here but done a little bit of research
Paintballing - Here is a paintball gun mod in GTA also https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/paintball-gun 
House Robberies - and again here is another link for house robberies, I've never made suggestions before like with this format so trying my best 🙂https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/home-invasion

The Pros:

Go karting - Organisation/Gang days out, Something to do for fun in the city rather than sitting around all day for some people, gives people that urge for betting against each other, could also have like a go karting race league or tournaments , would be good for even a group of friends or even a group of random to meet down there and become friends? could get people talking about cars or anything, there could be more pros than I am labelling, i am a little slow i like to say.

Painting balling - Pros? Would give people that "feel" of combat, get a release of their system , would be fun to see like Aztecas Vs Vagos for example to have like a 10v10 for a bet against each other or to even settle beefs , or even settle beefs within gangs/organisations or as i said in the previous a fun day out for people, something different to do, at the start it would be non stop used, and eventually it would be another event to do from time to the time, but at least its another option

House Robberies - Bit of a weird one , but it could create a unique kind of RP, of like a group of house burglars doing deals for like stealing art or jewellery or certain things, to sell to the jewellers or the art gallery? who knows with his connections? would he maybe get caught out? or would he continue to do underground deals from these robberies he does? could give CID or police more stuff to do with surveillance etc  this isn't an idea for a character for myself either , its just to bring more stuff to the city 

The Cons: Go karting or paintballing could be against devaluing life? with crazy driving or "shooting each other" , House Robberies might be a bit of a weird one for some people? obviously everyone would be doing it I feel but it could eventually be for those people who like the style and RP of it

Overall Post: My Grammar is terrible and I apologize I try my best, I unfortunately was removed from school at a young age, and if it felt like i repeated myself i apologize to, all ideas i put forward is to make more things for people to do, that's all id like, this server does lack on somethings  but what it doesn't lack , is the people ,the people are amazing, but would just be great for more things to do.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Yes with the money coming from house robberies i'd say it changes a lil bit?

On the robberies with houses you could also add housing upgrades such as alarms or more secure locks to make it more difficult. 

My suggestion for non player owned burglarys has already been accepted last November which relates to this post, it can be found here below:

+1 from me 👍

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House robberies should be its own suggestion. But i like the other two

Before the import update, it was said that there would be a usable race track, but havent heard from it since. Like everything else +1

A good way house robberies could work is to have a system in place where the only robbable houses are the houses of those that are currently offline, and the inside of their house becomes a 'locals house', in order to prevent robbing a real players actual belongings, as it would be extremely unfair if you could get in to someone's storage while they're offline. So you'd just be robbing a 'made up' interior that doesn't belong to an actual player, where things like TV's and stereos will be placed and stealable, and wardrobes can be searched. You can then sell these items to an NPC that buys stolen goods for cash.

Also, just to add to the post, I'd also love to see some form of 'cleaning money' added to the server, so when you rob a bank or store, maybe pay out more money (marked bills), but make it so you have to clean this money through a NPC system before you can use it.

And regarding the go karting races, I'd love this, and if we could add a 'top lap time' board so the server can constantly compete against each other, that would be great. I'd also love to see an actual racing script for regular cars, where you can set up races kind of like GTA Online where you actually have to hit check points so you can't cheat, there are scripts like it out there, would make the street racing scene far more popular and gives everyone a part to play in the RP!

I agree with the city being extremely stale right now, and would love for more things to be added as the server player base grows rapidly.

+1 from me Father.

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I agree with everything thats been suggested my only issue is the house robberies. Ive seen so many suggestions on house robberies from it being player robberies to npc robberies and with people being offline etc i think house robberies would have to be very carefully designed or maybe when robbing a house have every house turn into an npc house to prevent robbing people 24/7 i dunno im just spitballin with it either way +1 from me

I agree with everything thats been suggested my only issue is the house robberies. Ive seen so many suggestions on house robberies from it being player robberies to npc robberies and with people being offline etc i think house robberies would have to be very carefully designed or maybe when robbing a house have every house turn into an npc house to prevent robbing people 24/7 i dunno im just spitballin with it either way +1 from me
If you read my accepted suggestion on burglary it is strictly non player owned/local property's only. otherwise it would be a mess lol

I feel the same that their is a lack to do in the city, I feel like a lot of things we already have could be fleshed out. I would really like to see Car Dealers be further worked on to allow them to buy/list player owned vehicles in their store. Before the changes, autocare was always a social hotspot for people to hang around, buy/sell cars etc. Nowadays they're baron unless the imports are dropping that day. I'd also love to see illegal races with proper checkpoints but I guess thats a whole suggestion within itself.

Hello its nice to see a heavy supported suggestion and I do apologise if you feel "I feel like there is a lack to do atm in the city for "content / fun" as we always aim for everyone to have best time. Just a bit of transparency of myself atm, time is very strict thing right now due to a lot of real life commitments if that be my job or socialising in the outside world. (I know I am scared) Development has a whole has slowed down a little as we were updating nearly everyday (we need sleep too). I can confirm in my spare time I am working on a system which is going to effect the day to day life on the server (More on this soon). I defiantly think paintballing is a solid idea as well as the house raiding however this does not mean its going in tomorrow 😉 xD.

Please keep the suggestions going as when we do have time I, amongst others do come here to get inspirations. 

Hope this helps 🙂 
