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Mugging and RDM


Active member
Situation 1, if me and my brother are at the iron seller and someone initiates a hold up and starts firing within 10 seconds, are we allowed to draw our licensed pistols and defend ourselves, or do we have to get a vantage on them and tell them to drop their guns?

Situation 2, If I am being mugged "stop or I'll shoot" and I manage to get around a corner while shots are fired, do I have to tell them to drop their firearm or have they fully initiated by starting the mugging and firing shots at me?

I know these sound like basic questions, but I would really hate to get banned off a server that I just started and very much enjoy playing on!  Thanks for clarifying these RP and possible RDM situations to me.  I really appreciate it.

1 if they start firing you can start returning fire

2 give 'counter initiation' preferably however it entirely depends on prior roleplay.

2 give 'counter initiation' preferably however it entirely depends on prior roleplay.
My only concern is that if he has already fired shots it feels like he has already stated an intent to shoot me the next time he sees me.  I would have to get a fantastic vantage on the perp to not risk us killing each other in a close combat situation.  I can see if he never fired a shot where I should try to tell them to drop their gun to encourage good RP.  But in real life if someone were to fire and pursue me and I got into cover, I sure as heck would draw my concealed weapon and immediately "stop the threat."

But I would like to thank you for your input into my questions, it really enlightens me to the amount or RP that is supposed to take place on the server.  Having only been RDM'd 3-4 times in the time I have been playing(one for sure the others may have been crappy RP too).  I record everything now, and I got some video editing software so I can ask about these situations and learn better from people that are more experienced.

If someone initiates on you and even open fire you have all the right to kill them without iniatiating "again". Initiation is (usually) a 2-way street

Hello i actually have a concern regarding this subject, if someone is pointing a gun at me and turns his back for any reason shouldn't i be obliged to shoot them without a warning ? they're robbing me so it's common sense to shoot them as soon as they're distracted because i don't want to get robbed or killed and he committed a lethal crime 
