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my vc range for listening is broken

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New member
my range for listening is bugged so it feels like i can hear everyone's conversations (when i'm in proximity to nobody). this is stopping me from actually having conversations with people next to me.

for an example - when standing at legion square i can hear both conversations at the hospital and at the pd

i assume it could be something to do with my listening range, that you can change in menus on some servers but dk what to do 

this has been an issue for a few days now and happens everytime i join - straight away. ( i've been unbanned and it happened the first time i joined after the unban, and had never happened before prior.)

i've attempted every basic solution as well as clearing my FiveM cache so i could re-download the game

please help, because at the moment this is stopping me from playing completely

I've done a bit of research but this does seen to be a bug, however these might help until staff respond to you.

- When joining change your voice proximity from whisper to shouting and back 

I've also seen someone have the exact same issue as you and their solution was using  a different headset, maybe try that if not, I'm not sure 

If you have multiple audio channels on your headset, make sure you are using the correct one. I have multiple on my Steelseries Arctis headset and when i use the wrong audio channel i get the same thing

thanks, i've got a steelseries arctis as well and it changed without me doing anything

its working fine now ty

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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