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Name - Admin Input Appreciated


Well-known member
Plymouth, UK
So I attempted to change my name the other day to 'Bailey' but it was already taken. As I was doing this on mobile it asked me if i wanted to 'use BaileyJHuss7' to sign in as I refreshed the page. I clicked yes and it didn't change my name but it kept it the same and counted it as a change, so I have to wait 90 days.

I asked a few days ago about my name being Bailey seeing as it was taken by what I am presuming is an inactive member, who has no activity on the website and is probably inactive. My in game name is Bailey and I wanted to set it on here so people would recognise me and such like everyone else, but It was taken. I have never seen another Bailey on the server in my whole year of playing so I was wondering if the admins could have a say on this? Hopefully allowing me to have the username.

Any responses are valued, thanks.

