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Nerf police dispatches in relation to shootings


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
In the bushes
Brief Summary:
Delay the time in which it takes for a shooting dispatch to display on the police alerts system and instead of giving an exact location to the incidents it would alert you to a general area around the incident.

Detailed Suggestion:
Currently the time in which it takes for a shooting dispatch to alert the police is instant. A few shots are fired anywhere on a road or near a local and the police get an alert that gives them an exact location of the shooting. I think a lot of people would like to see this nerfed as it is massively overpowered especially given the current state of the police and the equipment they already have in their possession. What I suggest is that a delay is put into place from the time that a shot has been fired to when it reaches the police's alert system. A random interval of 2-5mins before an alert pops up would be best in terms of balance. I also think that instead of being given an exact location of the incident the police should be alerted to an area rather than an exact street and position. The system I am suggesting should be similar to how tweedle tracking works. I also think that anywhere that there isn't a phone signal, should not be possible for an alert to be sent to the police as the roleplay justification for these alerts is that locals have contacted the authorities. 

I'd like to hear what other groups think of the suggestion and the police themselves as this is something that has been talked about between us in the past and I think most would agree that a change like this would be beneficial.

The Pros: 
Nice QoL change.
More realistic.
Adds a further element of investigative work for the police to take part in.
Give criminal groups more opportunity to be a "smart criminal".

The Cons:
Minor nerf to police.
No cons in terms of overall balance.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server?:

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Doesn't this make sense though? (Shooting near people, who would call on their phone, which would give an exact location)
I'm not so sure that someone calling the police after a shooting would always be able to give an exact location, makes more sense that a general area would be given rather than the exact spot being correct 100% of the time. I agree with @richarddiaspoint in regards to certain areas naturally being on higher alert. However, I think that rather than looking to change the way alerts are done based on the area a crime is committed it should be random. It's probably a lot easier to implement that way too.

The tone of this also comes across  like we want to RP gun fights without the police getting involved at all.
I just want it to be fair. I agree with most of what you have said though regarding gang fights. This suggestion is based on my personal experiences and beliefs about how we could improve things to make them more enjoyable for the criminal groups and even the police. If I was a CID officer(s) responding to one of these dispatches and had to search to pin point the exact shooting location or murder victim I feel it'd be a lot more rewarding and enjoyable. I also think it'd be a lot more enjoyable from a criminal perspective knowing that there's a degree of chance as to whether the police are going to be straight on you or are actively searching you out and investigating. Currently the gameplay loop regarding these incidents is: get a shooting alert instantly a shot is fired, set a gps to the exact location it occurred, arrive, search anyone within 100m, scoop up bodies and search/move bodies to Hospital. That to me doesn't sound particularly engaging or rewarding for either side.

Not sure about the delay, I think if any delay, 2-5 is probably too long - could shoot in the city and be in Paleto by the time Police get the dispatch
Doesn't have to be 2-5mins, it could be 10seconds to 2minutes and the time interval is decided by chance.

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+1 but I think 5 minutes would be a bit too long, a delay of 30 sec to 2 mins seems more realistic.

It then ultimately gives a sense of danger as the one shooting as you could get unlucky and get a quick response, but 2 minutes is a huge window to shoot, do whatever and leave.

+1 i would say a 30 seconds to 1 min should be enough time and if police are close to the shooting then they can go and find it and wait till they get a dispatch to get the exact location 
