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New Domain - We need your help!

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I get what you're saying, but £5,000 for a domain name? I'm sure you could get just as a good a domain name for a fraction of the cost.
Ahh but you dont know what it is. 

It could be abc.xyz

@MycaelisSo you would of joined us if we was AltisLifegamingcommunity.co.uk ?

I didnt want to spend £5000... like I didnt want to spend the £9000 they originally wanted before negotiation to be clear this is a domain as premium as they come for .co.uk, I looked at the same domain for .com ($20,000 price tag) and the same domain .org ($12,000)

In terms of brand and SEO performance its a winner, I am the last person who would pay money for a domain

I think alot of people will get the pricetag when the domain is revealed, and some people wont due to there lack of understanding about premium domains.

For example, I turned down a offer of £10,000 a year back for AltisLife.co.uk

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In 4-5 years + time who is going to know what Altis Life is/was especially if we are on another platform.

I don't know if you have been here to know that we are not a overnight/throwaway community but I can tell you we are not and want to take things way beyond the next level.

A waste would be not continuing this community after Altis Life
I assumed that you meant to get a new domain for this server. Honest mistake. And FYI, I've been here over a year. Don't assume I think this isn't a serious community.

That said, as Mycaelis said, 5000 GBP for a domain is overly expensive. Granted, there are server costs and et cetera, but it is still a huge bill to be footing out. but it depends on your plan. How exactly do you plan to extend beyond Altis Life?

I assumed that you meant to get a new domain for this server. Honest mistake. And FYI, I've been here over a year. Don't assume I think this isn't a serious community.

That said, as Mycaelis said, 5000 GBP for a domain is overly expensive. Granted, there are server costs and et cetera, but it is still a huge bill to be footing out. but it depends on your plan. How exactly do you plan to extend beyond Altis Life?
They have already said loads, they want to go forward onto a different platform with the community. 

From what Wilco says about it being premium I would guess they are going for roleplay.co.uk or something of the sorts!

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From what Wilco says about it being premium I would guess they are going for roleplay.co.uk or something of the sorts!
Maybe? But I still don't see why it'd be necessary to buy that exact domain with that exact name. Maybe it will bring more traffic, but that's an investment that may not necessarily have that big of a return both in profits and new members.

The domain altislife.co.uk is small-scale, because it targets a specific game and the community of said game, but if you aim to broaden the scope, I doubt you'll find a domain that which will bring in a moderate amount of members playing all or some of the games for which the community is hosting servers.

Maybe? But I still don't see why it'd be necessary to buy that exact domain with that exact name. Maybe it will bring more traffic, but that's an investment that may not necessarily have that big of a return both in profits and new members.

The domain altislife.co.uk is small-scale, because it targets a specific game and the community of said game, but if you aim to broaden the scope, I doubt you'll find a domain that which will bring in a moderate amount of members playing all or some of the games for which the community is hosting servers.
I can't talk for the staff team or know what they are thinking obviously but I would say it is not to attract more traffic but for it to stand out and be memorable when found by those who are interested.

Like I ve said we cannot reveal the domain but I think a lot of people will be happy and hyped when we have it revealed!

Its like most things in life that you buy, If its one of a kind then it has a pricetag, How much do you think google.com is worth ?.... imagine if they wanted search.com do you think the person/company who owns that is going to let them have it cheap ?

The idea of the domain is to have a perm home across multiple platforms... I have spent months looking for other unregistered domains and another blah blah blah gaming or blah blah blah community .com just does not cut it.

and to be honest it never will, we will stand out above other communitys as this community is what we make it and the sky is the limit, If you dont understand that Denis then you never will, Just leave us to worry about it and enjoy the server :)

Its a permanent domain something we can build on for 10-20 years from now.

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Its Not Wasteful How Can u play Rust Or Another Game Under The ALTISLIFE.CO.UK name makes no sense 
Change the domain to rustaltislife.co.uk

But now we want to bring in members of the ESO-community! Change it to esorustaltislife.co.uk

What about players from WoW?! wowesorustaltislife.co.uk

But the DayZ members... dayzwowesorustaltislife.co.uk


I'm not saying that they should keep playing under the same domain if they want to have a broader community from different kinds of games. That said, it is wasteful to throw away thousands of GBP on a domain name when you can make your own for a fraction of the cost, due to the risk of not getting a bigger community being virtually the same wether you choose to make a domain and name it "hardcorerpownedlol.co.uk" or buy a domain called "gaming-roleplay.com". 

Change the domain to rustaltislife.co.uk

But now we want to bring in members of the ESO-community! Change it to esorustaltislife.co.uk

What about players from WoW?! wowesorustaltislife.co.uk

But the DayZ members... dayzwowesorustaltislife.co.uk


I'm not saying that they should keep playing under the same domain if they want to have a broader community from different kinds of games. That said, it is wasteful to throw away thousands of GBP on a domain name when you can make your own for a fraction of the cost, due to the risk of not getting a bigger community being virtually the same wether you choose to make a domain and name it "hardcorerpownedlol.co.uk" or buy a domain called "gaming-roleplay.com". 
It's not like they are pressuring the community to donate by saying give us x amount of £ or the server will shut down. It has always been an addition that would only cause benefits from those who want to make the community grow stronger.

Some members of the ALUK community are the most dedicated I have ever seen on the internet to a cause.

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Like I ve said we cannot reveal the domain but I think a lot of people will be happy and hyped when we have it revealed!

Its like most things in life that you buy, If its one of a kind then it has a pricetag, How much do you think google.com is worth ?.... imagine if they wanted search.com do you think the person/company who owns that is going to let them have it cheap ?

The idea of the domain is to have a perm home across multiple platforms... I have spent months looking for other unregistered domains and another blah blah blah gaming or blah blah blah community .com just does not cut it.

and to be honest it never will, we will stand out above other communitys as this community is what we make it and the sky is the limit, If you dont understand that Denis then you never will, Just leave us to worry about it and enjoy the server :)

Its a permanent domain something we can build on for 10-20 years from now.
I do understand it. :) Don't think that I don't know how money works. That borders on an ad hominem, Wilcox. ;) And by all means, if you think you can build a huge community, go for it. I never said you shouldn't try to make a bigger community. That said, whatever domain you choose for the use you're intending it for isn't worth it in my opinion. Then again I only know so much. You're the one holding back. :p

It's not like they are pressuring the community to donate by saying give us x amount of £ or the server will shut down. It has always been an addition that would only cause benefits from those who want to make the community grow stronger.
I never said it was?

@Denis Peeeeeeeeeeee No.. just no

Your settling for second best
you're* ;)

Denis, I can confirm £5000 for this domain is nothing, The plans we have for it is worth more than £5000 to the community alone let alone any price tag.

Like I said the sky is the limit with our plans that we will put into action

Why not WilcoGaming.com ?

Its not taken.. only registrar fees to buy it :)

Why not WilcoGaming.com ?

Its not taken.. only registrar fees to buy it :)
I'd +1 that.

Denis, I can confirm £5000 for this domain is nothing, The plans we have for it is worth more than £5000 to the community alone let alone any price tag.

Like I said the sky is the limit with our plans that we will put into action
Then good for you. :) I hope it works out for you.

is it wankbank.co.uk ? because our wankbank is quite high on the google search according to SEO's

blar blar blar
Denis, I don't know why you're dragging this out so much, if it's not for you, it's not for you. If you're only here for altis and nothing 5 years down the line suits you, then nothing is keeping you here.

The staff and management here have dreams, goals and aspirations. 

What if Battlefield 5 is like Battlefield 2 with an SDK! and has 200 km2 of map size, Altislife.co.uk woudln't really work there would it? and having multiple domains just divides things up! (just an example).

I'm looking forward to the change, it'll be good. Renaming to wankbank.co.uk will bring in a big mature older age group!

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Denis, I don't know why you're dragging this out so much, if it's not for you, it's not for you. If you're only here for altis and othing 5 years down the line suits you, then nothing is keeping you here.

The staff and management here have dreams, goals and aspirations. 

What if Battlefield 5 is like Battlefield 2 with an SDK! and has 200 km2 of map size, Altislife.co.uk woudln't really work there would it? and having multiple domains just divides things up! (just an example).

I'm looking forward to the change, it'll be good. Renaming to wankbank.co.uk will bring in a big mature older age group!
What, stating an opinion and elaborating on said opinion isn't allowed? I didn't realize it was North Korea. Then again, Wilco is called "The Dear Leader"...

You're right, it's not for me, and frankly, I'm here just for Altis Life, so when that's done with, I will most likely move on. Probably not have much time for games. I too have aspirations, goals and dreams, you see. :)

I'm criticizing the idea of spending thousands on a domain for a gaming community. In my opinion, that isn't worth it. Am I not allowed to speak out about that?

It's your community, and your decision what to do with it. That said, as a member, I should get to speak up about what I think of your ideas.

Sadly we're not all yes men.

I think it's great. And thank you to @Wilcofor sticking your hand into your hard earned money to fund this, doubt anyone else would have done such a thing in any other community, thank you Wilco and thank you to all who have chipped in to aid towards this goal! 

Onwards and upwards!

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He is the founder of AltisLife.co.uk. If he is striving for the best then just go with it. Better for everyone i say.

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This is turning into the last post...

Stop shitting on people who are striving to make something better. It's a large price tag, and it's possibly a risk, BUT you won't get anywhere in life if you're not willing to commit and take risks.

I am sure Wilco knows what he is doing, and if you don't like how he does it then don't watch him do it. Simple as.

Almost every billionaire on the planet was told they couldn't achieve anything in life, and look at them now.. Let him life his life and make his own decisions, and let others make their own decision on investing or not.

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