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New member
Hello to all

Just thought i'd introduce myself with a quick post 

I'm Ash and i'm a current serving police officer in yorkshire

getting into this rp in my spare time and this seems like a good community to start in

see you in game :)

Welcome to RPUK!

Be sure you read the Server Rules and understand them so you don't get yourself into abit of a predicament.

Oh, and ofcourse enjoy your time here :p  

Hi Ash, like you new to the Island, hope to see you about..

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Welcome to the Community! Hope you enjoy your time here xD

Welcome to RPUK bud. Have fun and be safe!

Thanks for the warm welcome 

Great rp last night despite my mic breaking while playing 

Cheers guys and gals 

Welcome to the island mate,

Cant wait to see you around!
