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New Microphone

Mr Bilbo

Well-known member
Currently unknown
So lately I have been looking around and I am thinking of purchasing a new Microphone. So far I have had a couple of ideas in mind. But if you know of anything else please let me know as it would be highly appreciated. Here are my Ideas

ATR 2500: http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATR2500-USB-Cardioid-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B004QJREXM

Or the

AT 2020: https://www.acaudio.co.uk/microphones/studio-mics-1208/large-diaphragm-1397/audio-technica-AT2020-microphone.asp?gclid=CPHXwfaZ7skCFRQTGwodxQcJRA

Which one do you think is better?

Any other Ideas Of what I can get?

And also my price range is about £50>£150 
