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NightStalker - Unban Appeal (Unbanned)

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New member
In game name: NightStalker
Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:72685935
GUID: 19e3dbaa423f2352f3863132236323d6
Date and Time: 23/06/15 roughly 18:15
Rule i broke: 6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)

I am very new to this game as i only purchased it yesterday afternoon and unfortunately i did not read the rules before playing which i truly regret and have been learning as i play via other players, i have now read all the rules and id never disobey them again, i'm incredibly sorry for breaking a rule in the first play but it honestly will never ever happen again, i'm very annoyed with myself for not reading the rules before hand but now i have read them i now know what to do and what not to do with in this server, no acts like this will ever happen again and i will never disobey the server rules again, i'm sorry. -Tyler  

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We have another reason... please look at the rules and comment back why you think you was banned.

The reason i was banned was 5C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die! I have now read all the rules and realized what i have done wrong and it will never happen again and i will never ever break another rule, i was brand new to the game and didn't realize what i did was wrong but i'm very sorry and it will never ever happen again.

Learn from that one, Follow the rules going forward

Unbanned for your final chance.

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