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No1. Taxi service on Altis

Steven Seabass

Frog catching expert
Altis Airport



Good day ladies and gentleman, rebel's and hobo's!!

Introducing a new taxi service on the fine/corrupt island of Altis!!

Steven Seabass is proud to present his No.1 service to the people of the island so they can travel in comfort to locations they can't be arsed to drive to themselves. No job too small. Just call me up via the taxi number on your phone and I will get there as soon as I can after I have responded to you. I will always pick up the nearest passenger first so be patient.

Taxi fares start at £5, yes ONLY £5!!! But be AWARE I have got a 'shit list' and if you request a taxi and don't show or give abuse in anyway I will eject you from my cab and put you on the aforementioned list!! Ya don't want to be on my shit list!

My cab has only been abused once by hobo's and most stains have gone and I always have a 'new car smell' air freshener hanging from my rear view mirror.

No touching the driver whilst the vehicle is in motion and any horny buisness will be dealt with by authorities. I am not your 'lurve thang' and do not require 'special services' in return for my service of driving you. 

My driving record is clean but on occasion I may forget and the police may be interested in pulling me over. It is at the discretion of the passenger whether i pull over or not and may charge extra for a high octane po po chase!

See you on the curb kids!!

Steven Seabass

(NB: Any deaths caused by my appauling driving is not my fault and you take that risk getting into my taxi)



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Wait? Somebody doing a taxi service? Haven't seen a taxi for a while! Im interested in a popo chase to see what it's like on the receiving side :)

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