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Now THAT was an Italian Job


Well-known member
Inititally I was pretty pissed off at being called out to the H.M. Treasury for the third time in the space of an hour, but I've got to say third time is most definitely a charm. Honestly, fantastic job guys that is how you get shit done.

They got into the treasury, took what they needed and bugged out before we could even really move in. Our police units then stalked their truck convoy all the way back to Kavala where they then diverged and took alternate routes making tracking them a nightmare. They had marksmen set up along their routes in various buildings around Kavala which was the nail in the coffin for us. Overall I heard they got at least 300 gold bars to the buyer in the first wave. Well done guys that was actually a pleasure to get slaughtered for!

Step forward and claim your one internet chaps :)

And the hobos still managed to lose all the money xD

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We got 300 gold bars but no money because certain clowns decided they would rob each other for over 15 million when splitting the money and have the anti-cheat kick them.

Yeah we saw a robbery report come up for over £12M and couldn't believe our eyes haha

Well, what a great cop ciaran is! Even when off duty he can catch them all!

how much do you actually get for robbing the treasury in total? 

Each brick has a sell value of either £10,000 or £100,000 I can't remember which though. If you times that by 300 then the answer is a metric fuck tonne of money lol

Treasury Shipwreck gold bars are £10,000 each but the Treasury Bank gold bars are £100,000 each. Plus you can get the skill Cash for Gold which gives you 25% more for each bar. So ya a metric fuck tonne of money.

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