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NPAS Thermals

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Just seems silly to me, being on both sides if I've ever wanted to not be seen by the NPAS take them underground somewhere, you do you chief.
Seems silly to me reviewing all the obvious stated that npas still have a tool that sees into the tunnels and relys on a users discretion to not abuse the exploit. But you do you chief....

Don't be defensive over a suggestion if you haven't any critism or useful suggestion to make. You have chosen to leave a snardy reply. Almost like you're being reported which encourages me more to believe you have misused the tool in the past and justify it with information gathered after the fact.

Adding on since you edited:
Rather than a assumption it is a measurement of trust relying on npas not to use the tool improperly. I'm sorry but nobody should be given a tool capable of exploiting with the advice of "discretion"
I can see both sides of the argument, however, without NPAS or thermals; the chance of police finding a kidnapped or missing person effectively drops to nil.

I fly NPAS a good amount, both 99 and 71 and can safely say I've never misused the thermal imagery, I often have it off because the amount of locals in the day makes it pretty difficult to distinguish who's who.

Whilst I don't think removing it entirely is a good idea for the above reason, there may be possibility to reduce the range? i.e. with 400m of the airframe, this would provide a suitable nerf to the thermals themselves and provide a reasonable distance for crims to be able to hear and react to the helicopter before diving inside.

If you think someone is misusing thermals then I recommend reporting them; but from what I've heard a large number of people were gathered inside a wooden building? Odds are with 10 or more people in a single walled structure, you'd be giving off a heat signature anyway.
I can see both sides of the argument, however, without NPAS or thermals; the chance of police finding a kidnapped or missing person effectively drops to nil.

I fly NPAS a good amount, both 99 and 71 and can safely say I've never misused the thermal imagery, I often have it off because the amount of locals in the day makes it pretty difficult to distinguish who's who.

Whilst I don't think removing it entirely is a good idea for the above reason, there may be possibility to reduce the range? i.e. with 400m of the airframe, this would provide a suitable nerf to the thermals themselves and provide a reasonable distance for crims to be able to hear and react to the helicopter before diving inside.

If you think someone is misusing thermals then I recommend reporting them; but from what I've heard a large number of people were gathered inside a wooden building? Odds are with 10 or more people in a single walled structure, you'd be giving off a heat signature anyway.
I like your suggestion but after talking to developers this is extremely complicated and time consuming.

Regarding your last paragraph the answer is no and this AGAIN isnt about 1 scenario or occult vs police. Without getting into too much detail and bringing science with heat thermals and conduction Waiz said it pretty well regarding thermals. If it was serious Los Santos is a hot climate meaning any metal structures, roads, signs even sides of mountains would give off significant heat signatures. So the nature of saying that building is hot is poor.
This suggestion piqued my curiosity to see how imbalanced it truly is and upon closer inspection I can understand the reasoning that default GTA V thermals might be deemed overpowered. However, by coincidence/fate/luck I was able to find a few GTA Natives that allow us to tweak/balance the vision mode as to try and ensure fairness for both parties. We'll keep fine-tuning it as time flies by and hope that this first set of changes already improve it for all involved ❤️


Thank you for the suggestion!

P.S.: Friendliest of reminders for some commenters in both this and other suggestions:

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