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Office Spaces for Businesses


Well-known member
Brief Summary: Introduce Office spaces, purchasable by players in the city (GTA Online - CEO role - Standard Office Template) to enable deeper roleplay.

Detailed Suggestion: Credit for this idea goes to (in no particular order) Liam, Stavik and Samantha - for their threads and posts in regards to the legal entities for businesses.

So. The idea is that office spaces are purchasable for the players use in whatever fashion they choose. I see a major benefit for anyone in the Solicitor role instantly as they can meet clients in the office and conduct business. However other companies might well form up out of the fact they have this space to be used and will work out their own business plans accordingly. I would like to see some basic facilities added to the office in the form of a food making area and a fridge (to ripen fruit) as this would be a function in a real company for their employees as standard. Also some form of storage although I would strongly suggest this is kept lower than a standard house or lockup to stop them being bought up by people who just want to hide 50000 bags of weed and thats it. The idea here is the office is for RP not another option to store things in and otherwise not get used.  Also no growing weed in there. ever 😉 Car spaces (5 max) also. Essential as the companies would require them.

Companies could then form organically and bring real life to the server in the world of legal jobs, hiring and firing employees - interviews etc, even as far as bringing bugstars in to clean the office but i feel thats probably a seperate suggestion for now. They could obviously be used by criminals too as a front for activities but that would ultimately be up to the players. I also think they would have to be spread all over the map, not just in the cbd, but adjusted for price like the current housing market is. As an Example an office in the city properly (arcadia business centre) would be say 5 million pounds where an office up in paleto bay (if suitable buildings are available) would be a 1.25 million etc. Let the people decide where they want to base out of.  This would allow lots of different businesses to spring up and really build out the rp for the server. Example would be an actual law firm that has real solicitors all partnered up in it and is able to vet clients at the office when reviewing cases and obviously charging for the time etc.

The Pros: Deeper level of RP. New business. Tangible growth for players in their careers in the city.

The Cons: Not sure there are many but will await the discussion.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Makes it even better 🙂
