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Ok is this fare?


Neptune Beach,FL,USA
Ok im buying a infrit in kavala, I buy it and a guy is looking in my bag, so i shoot him in the leg and say are you going to do that again, then i get tazed by a cop. He takes me some where tells me i cant shoot him for looking in my bag. He then goes to impond my ifrit then 4 other cops come screaming "DONT IMPOND THAT!!!!! SCRAP IT!!!!" so they scrap my ifrit even though i just spawned it and was going to put it away and ride with my friend in his car. Why make it were you can spawn them in town,but get them scraped in a second? so they take me some where, tell me to drop my guns. I look in my bag and the guy did steal my flare gun. I tell the cops but they dont care. Kind of bull if you ask me.

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Yes, it is fair.

You can buy ifrits in Kavala because it's the donator shop. They are illegal, so buying it there and getting it crushed was your own fault.

As for the guy looking in your bag, I'd say he's fair game to shoot with the correct RP. The cops reacted exactly how they should have, to be honest.

so he gets away scot free with taking my stuff. Cause the cops did not care about that part. 

They were dealing with you from what I understand from the first post. They're hardly just going to drop 'processing' you to hunt after a guy that could be anywhere by that point because he stole a Flare gun which is no threat to anyone.

but i had another gun(gave to a friend) but what if i did not and he stole that? i did not tell the cops it was a flare gun.ALSO on a side note why are there 8 cops in kavala? Cause right now i think its crazy(cars exploding). Having lots of cops just asks for chaos. And the guy was right next to them until they drove away from him

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I'm the cop who told the PCSO to stop impounding it and got it scrapped. It's an illegal vehicle. 

End of. Don't like it? Don't buy illegal vehicles in Kavala. 

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It's not fare. But it is fair.

Ifrits are illegal vehicles under Altis Law. Spawning one in the middle of the busiest high street is a little like, er, taking a dump in a policeman's hat. As in: likely to get you into trouble very fast.

Police will always go after the easiest, most accessible target that is likely to result in a bust. You were it. The griefer who stole from your backpack (which is not server-bannable, but which is of course illegal under Altis Law too) will have had it away on his toes leaving you as the sucker-on-the-spot with a massive illegal conveyance acting like a beacon of hope for him. Doh.

Why do we allow super-illegal Ifrits to be spawned in Kavala? Several reasons. They're what's called in the trade 'a Muppet Trap'. It's a gameplay technique. Of course, muppets hate it - the first time - but after that, they're usually not muppets anymore, and will thereafter take great delight in watching other muppets fall into the same hole. This is called 'fun' on my planet.

Why do we have eight cops in Kavala at once? Usually, because we can't have 32, and eight is all we can muster! Seriously, it's not the cops that attract the lunacy in Kavala on a Friday night... it's Kavala. And the Friday factor. And the alcohol, usually. If there were fewer cops, there usually isn't a Kavala by about 11pm. This is from regular past experience.

Welcome to Altis. Altis Life's a bitch. Until you get streetwise, at least. After that, it's f**king murder! :D


It's not fare. But it is fair.

Ifrits are illegal vehicles under Altis Law. Spawning one in the middle of the busiest high street is a little like, er, taking a dump in a policeman's hat. As in: likely to get you into trouble very fast.

Police will always go after the easiest, most accessible target that is likely to result in a bust. You were it. The griefer who stole from your backpack (which is not server-bannable, but which is of course illegal under Altis Law too) will have had it away on his toes leaving you as the sucker-on-the-spot with a massive illegal conveyance acting like a beacon of hope for him. Doh.

Why do we allow super-illegal Ifrits to be spawned in Kavala? Several reasons. They're what's called in the trade 'a Muppet Trap'. It's a gameplay technique. Of course, muppets hate it - the first time - but after that, they're usually not muppets anymore, and will thereafter take great delight in watching other muppets fall into the same hole. This is called 'fun' on my planet.

Why do we have eight cops in Kavala at once? Usually, because we can't have 32, and eight is all we can muster! Seriously, it's not the cops that attract the lunacy in Kavala on a Friday night... it's Kavala. And the Friday factor. And the alcohol, usually. If there were fewer cops, there usually isn't a Kavala by about 11pm. This is from regular past experience.

Welcome to Altis. Altis Life's a bitch. Until you get streetwise, at least. After that, it's f**king murder! :D
You go into a Kavala patrol...You, You just don't come out the same...

If cop know you he wont chop chop your ifrit if cop hate you he will chase you 30 min to chop it :) ..


I have to agree with the correct RP you could have taken him out, but you did have a easy target on your back pulling out a ifrit in the middle of nub town. I would much rather pay full price for one then buy one there. You could also go when the server is all most empty and buy one if you really want it.

If cop know you he wont chop chop your ifrit if cop hate you he will chase you 30 min to chop it :) ..
I crush every ifrit we can get doesn't matter whos ifrit it is. Not only is this one of the most important laws to us, it also feels good crushing ifrit so you better run.

When RCU crush and ifrit we celebrate.

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You can buy Iffrits in the north donator shop btw, i found out this after i paid full price for mine at the rebel outpost.

PS Gil, Stay away from my Iffrit! :)

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I crush every ifrit we can get doesn't matter whos ifrit it is. Not only is this one of the most important laws to us, it also feels good crushing ifrit so you better run.

When RCU crush and ifrit we celebrate.
Lol, when you have money like rebels do, you don't realy care too much about loosing an ifrit it's just an everyday thing that happens to us. We better run??? I'm confused we don't run, we stand and fight..

Lol, when you have money like rebels do, you don't realy care too much about loosing an ifrit it's just an everyday thing that happens to us. We better run??? I'm confused we don't run, we stand and fight..
Perhaps ifrits should increase in price to enhance roleplaying?
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