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Ok is this fare?

Perhaps ifrits should increase in price to enhance roleplaying?
Perhaps Police should actually pay for things to increase roleplaying?(Seriously I think it's a valid point since it doesn't seem like police have consequences when they die and people on all sides were complaining when cops retire with mass wealth.)

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ya on other servers i played on cops had to pay for gear. It was about donator price stuff i guess you would say

ya on other servers i played on cops had to pay for gear. It was about donator price stuff i guess you would say
That is because they become troll fodder in places like Kavala,which was one of the original points why everything is free for the police,but as we know issues rose from that over time. Discounted prices are reasonable and have been spoken of once before for police.

Perhaps Police should actually pay for things to increase roleplaying?(Seriously I think it's a valid point since it doesn't seem like police have consequences when they die and people on all sides were complaining when cops retire with mass wealth.)
Couldn't have said it better myself, the only way to make cops value there life Is to make them pay for their shit, I know new Ranks might struggle but that's what the standard issue tazer is for...
Pay for lethal, vests, backpacks, nvgs, fak. Maybe then they won't just walk into a gunfight and think "fuck it". We are not asking for cops to pay out a lot like rebels do, just enough for them to value their lives like rebels do.

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I have to agree, they'll stand in the middle of the road to stop you for a speeding ticket.... because they lose nothing dying, and then know they can get you for more than speeding if you hit them...

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Perhaps Police should actually pay for things to increase roleplaying?(Seriously I think it's a valid point since it doesn't seem like police have consequences when they die and people on all sides were complaining when cops retire with mass wealth.)
I have £600,000 I would require a massive cash injection in order to lead RCU especially as I'm the only one who can buy hunters etc.
I would have to go off duty and make money and so would dozens of officers.

Just because you have seen bad officers retire with 10+ million doesn't mean we all have that kind of money, I don't make money nor lose money, I worry about the welfare of my unit not some arbitrary thing like money.

Simply make us pay and half would have to leave. Not because they want to but because they would have to. Another consequence you would see is offduty officers doing drug runs to pay for their police addiction. It's easy to bash the plod but the consequences would be shattering, did you know around 40% of new recruits actually buy arma3 just play as a policeman without any experience as a rebel.

If you put a pay wall around the police it would take months the fix the police force or worst case scenario it would be a shell of its current sell and we still need to increase the police numbers to fill server 2.

In the end civs would suffer. Bent cops selling information to gangs with 100,s of millions, cops issuing bigger fines, more aggressive to collect bounties. Last one you might think is a good idea but then officers are going to shoot not arrest to collect the bounty.

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I have to agree, they'll stand in the middle of the road to stop you for a speeding ticket.... because they loose nothing dying, and then know they can get you for more than speeding if you hit them...
Give me one video of an officer jumping infront of a car to issue fines.

I'm sorry but if you only have 600k in the police at your rank you are doing something wrong.. You don't pay for anything except food and drink.

I'm sorry but if you only have 600k in the police at your rank you are doing something wrong.. You don't pay for anything except food and drink.
Most of the time we share bounties, newer officers get more bounties to increase productivity and enjoyment.

Officers are more likely to leave when they are csos and psos because they haven't made friends and bonded yet, by giving csos a good cash injection it Increases their attendance and makes it more likely they will make friends and/or get promoted to the point they feel emotionally invested in the servers. incentive sir.

It works and I feel that's something good than something wrong don't you think?

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Most of the time we share bounties, newer officers get more bounties to increase productivity and enjoyment.

Officers are more likely to leave when they are csos and psos because they haven't made friends and bonded yet, by giving csos a good cash injection it Increases their attendance and makes it more likely they will make friends and/or get promoted to the point they feel emotionally invested in the servers. incentive sir.

It works and I feel that's something good than something wrong don't you think?
Wait I'm confused, first you said police don't care about money and then you say you use money as an incentive to keep police active...

If it's not about money why until just recently police surrounded a prisoner with a high bounty and all sent him to prison exactly the same time so they all get it?

And when you see an officer spamming "send to jail" so the bounty duplicates?

You might say they are bad cops.. But these exploits didn't come from a new cso but an experienced officer.

I'm not trying to bad mouth the police here but it does evolve around money, like you said it gives an incentive to play more... What we are asking is for police to value there lives more and if you can think of a better idea to change it be my quest and post it as a suggestion thread.

Like I said nothing against police but it's something that has bugged me for a while now, how police just run in all guns blazing and if they die they don't care they just wait to return to the scene of the crime or go back on duty.

And when you see an officer spamming "send to jail" so the bounty duplicates?

Well i didn't even know about this and im DI. Now everyone does thanks to you.

Your badmouthing cops and you don't know most of them, just because you have had bad experiences doesn't mean we are bad cops.

I can assure you no1 gives a shit about money in RCU. I have said i don't care about money but can be used as an incentive to new officers.

Maybe your mindset is stuck in the past friend.

Wait I'm confused, first you said police don't care about money and then you say you use money as an incentive to keep police active...

If it's not about money why until just recently police surrounded a prisoner with a high bounty and all sent him to prison exactly the same time so they all get it?

And when you see an officer spamming "send to jail" so the bounty duplicates?

You might say they are bad cops.. But these exploits didn't come from a new cso but an experienced officer.

I'm not trying to bad mouth the police here but it does evolve around money, like you said it gives an incentive to play more... What we are asking is for police to value there lives more and if you can think of a better idea to change it be my quest and post it as a suggestion thread.

Like I said nothing against police but it's something that has bugged me for a while now, how police just run in all guns blazing and if they die they don't care they just wait to return to the scene of the crime or go back on duty.
Mate, the problem is when we die and can't afford anything else, a little something happens.

The server goes to shit, because all officers can't afford tasers and you have VDMers killing you instead cops arresting you. Now, if you think that we'd be able to afford everything even with dying, your point is still completely invalid because it wouldn't matter if we paid for gear or not - if you lose it, it's just as easy to get back, and we'll gain money faster than we'll lose it.

Well i didn't even know about this and im DI. Now everyone does thanks to you.
Last evidence I saw was from a senior officer in Kavala just under a month ago - he's gone now.

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I'm sorry but if you only have 600k in the police at your rank you are doing something wrong.. You don't pay for anything except food and drink.
Clearly you are an expert on police ranks and earnings, rank =/= time played or amount of tickets issued.

All police having to pay for their gear would do is increase the amount of random tickets and metagaming. 

Well the server i played on, cops spawned with tazers. So thats not a issue. Lower ranks could by a stig for like 6k. A vermin for 10k. And only higher ranks could get mx (idk the cost cause i never got to a high rank). Cops made money for impounding cars if no one was using them(5k i think) then if they search the car and it had drugs they would get a cut of the drugs found. They get money for arresting people that are wanted. So they dont really have a issue making money.(started as a cop with 200k.....3 days later 1.7mil) I dont see why we cant add that idea on to here.

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Right end of argument I for one think police buying gear is a great idea it would add more immersion but personal preferences are irrelevant, if the admins deem it right and a balance can be found it will be implemented like anything else.

Officers, I ask you to cool your jets come see me before you post again here I'm somewhat angry as to the contents of some posts and the facts certain exploits we had hoped to keep out of the public eye till they could be fixed are now freely available to any who wish to abuse it.

Rebels, Civi, the same, please approach me on teamspeak to discuss any problems, if you must post I ask both sides keep it constructive, let's not have a slagging match again.


Well in the end, if it goes down RCU already have methods of providing our officers with free gear. Already have plans to make sure we can provide the best kit possible to the lowest of ranks for nothing.  we will Adopt Adapt & Improve. I say bring it on asap so these threads can stop   :lol:

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Listen to your superior... He told you to stop the bitching.

It was a suggestion that rebels, civs and some police agree with, and at the end of the day if your broke you still spawn with a taser to do your job..
