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Opening of a 2nd bank account


Well-known member
Brief Summary: Implementation of the ability to open a 2nd account be added to the game

Detailed Suggestion: My suggestion is as follows. Add in an NPC to Pac Standard bank as the branch manager. He or She allows players to converse with the person to begin opening of a 2nd account. There should be a minimum deposit and an account fee payable each month. The account owner gets to choose the name of the account (could be used for business or other purposes) and sets a pin/password to access the account. This is akin to how you create a tweedle account currently, this is where i got the idea, after a fashion. Permissions could also be an option on each account such as View only, Deposit only, Deposit and Withdraw.

Then you can grant people access to the account through the phone to manage the account, view balances, etc. This allows for corporate organisations or businesses within the city to operate with a deeper level of immersion. It would allow business owners to pay wages also from the account, if such a feature were possible to be added automatically. Any legal business in the city would benefit greatly imho and when selling businesses (if someone decides to do so) the potential buyer would be able to see records of previous transactions etc and see how well the business is performing etc.

The Pros: Immersion. Corporate entities become more real as people are able to show that they own a business etc and are able to pool resources among employees informally or formally depending on the business structure. Records show up for all entities and could potentially be seized by police (the bank statements or the business itself) if found to be improper 🙂 Robberies of the businesses would have to be accounted for in the P and L of the business but could also be used as evidence in court. (this is why the view only permission) Contracts being signed within rp for the business to exist meaning work for solicitors. Deeper rp immersion for a very small amount of work. Allowing the police to close accounts and seize assets/funds should also be a thing within rp and with strong justifiable cause.

The Cons: Dev work.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No it does not.

Seems legit. Not sure about the statements as that would require people to deposit money or would a business automatically be set to pay money into said account? Like if I own shop X and bank account Y could I send my/our profits straight to that account? 

+1 Would be really nice to see this added as a personal way of tracking funds but could also really benefit gangs and legal groups alike. Particularly with the new update for shop management it would be really useful to pool money together for the shop.

Should you be able to transfer from the wallet on your phone as in selecting a particular account, or should it just be that you can withdraw from an ATM and hand over the cash from the 2nd accounts?

This idea is very similar to the one I suggested not too long ago, +1
