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Original (Rejected but with feedback and warning)

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bear jew

Community Banned - Rule 1D
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TPD] Original
Time & Date this happened: 21:00 around   11/10/14
Description of what happened: Saw him shooting asked him to stop and he brought out a gun shot me twice but i tazed him restrained him and escorting back to my car when he disconnected, he did this exact same thing around 3pm 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Not at all.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

Look at the side chat box.
Seen this guy kill some people last night, there were shouts of RDM, but I wasn't there. Seems like a waste of oxygen anyway.

I never had a gun out nor did I shoot, I was walking down the road on the pavement when you pulled up in your SUV, where you then got out and told me to stop where I'am for no reason, (I was wanted and you meta-gamed me). I then ran and you tazed me.

you literally stopped and tazed him. No RP was involved. he was just walking up the street unarmed and you got out your car and tazed him.

That is not true, i asked you to stop before for firing a weapon. We saw you and asked you to stop or be tazed, I had to switch weapons which stalled me a bit but when I got around the corner you shot me for no reason.

That is not true, i asked you to stop before for firing a weapon. We saw you and asked you to stop or be tazed, I had to switch weapons which stalled me a bit but when I got around the corner you shot me for no reason.
Yes it is. No you didn't, I never fired or even had my weapon out. The only reason you stopped was because I was wanted and you blatantly meta gamed me. There was no reason for you to stop I was walking down the road on the pavement unarmed. 

Doesn't even matter about the RDM, this is a blatant combat log.
I didn't combat log. I lost connection and when I came back on I went to the police station and handed myself in to a bounty hunter who was the only person there at that time, and went onto spend 40 mins in jail.  

He handed himself in later and told me the story about him being on his way to prison but lost connectiong later on. I was at the police HQ in Kavala and arrested him.



He handed himself in later and told me the story about him being on his way to prison but lost connectiong later on. I was at the police HQ in Kavala and arrested him.



I didn't combat log. I lost connection and when I came back on I went to the police station and handed myself in to a bounty hunter who was the only person there at that time, and went onto spend 40 mins in jail.  
If this is true then thats fine however next time dont hand yourself to a bounty hunter instead message the police or if there not online do it next time they are.

Combat logging must not happen so i will keep a eye on any future reports.

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