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Otis Redding Jr's Story.


Well-known member
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK
Well good day, my name is Otis Redding Jr, or most people know me as either Otis Redding, O. Redding or just Redding. 

The story begins in Dawson, Georgia, USA. This is where my mother, god rest her soul, and my father, the popular musician Otis Redding conceived me. I was born on 23rd of January 2017. I was brought up with music in my life, and a little bit of stardom. At the age of 17/18 i learnt to play the guitar. I still have the same guitar i played back then today. I loved the play the guitar, it brought peace to my mind. As i grew a little older, i fell into the trap of Metal/ Rock music, i say trap, but i still love the likes of AC/DC, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath to this day! I learnt to play bass. I became a bass player in a band called "As of yet unnamed". Shit name i know. We toured with my dad, who has played with the likes of Kanye West. We backed them on stage back in 2016. Probably the highlight of my music life. So now with a bit of money and fame to my name i bought a small plane. I learnt to fly, and within 2 years i was a fully qualified single engine pilot. This is where i found that aviation was my passion. Being above the clouds, being free in the air was amazing, a feeling i can still never get over every time i fly. With my new passion found, i paid less and less attention to the band. In which concluded in the band falling apart. It was a shame, but we came to a peaceful ending, performing at Atlanta Hawks stadium to hundreds of thousands of fans. After that i wanted to go somewhere, a new country. I thought England was a nice place, and always wanted to go. So i came up with a plan and perused it. I didnt want to just fly over to England and find a job. No i wanted to fly myself there. Now this was impossible in my single engine small plane. So i signed up for a full course with BAA to learn how to fly commercial airliners. 3 years after hard work, and only one drunk night i was there, i passed my exam to fly a 777-300. This was a beautiful plane. I got accepted to work on a 48 hour contract with American airlines. (48 hour contract in this case means i am only apart of the company for 48 hours) I went to JKF international Airport and boarded the 777-300 i would be flying to England. After a lengthy flight, and a smooth landing i arrived in England. The air was fresher than America and the birds sung, and the accents at first where hilarious. When i got there i got in touch with multiple Airlines looking for work. And thank god, the mother of Airlines got back to me. FUCKING BRITISH AIRWAYS! i was ecstatic. Next thing i knew i was flying round the world. Dubai, India, South Africa and even back to America a couple of times. One day i flew to a small island called Altis. A company called Roleplay.co.uk had got in touch with British Airways and wanted us to fly them out there in style. A private 777-300 for the people at Roleplay.co.uk. All the passengers seemed nice. Some even said they could fly aircraft themselves. I dont think they quite knew the challenge of flying a 777-300. But i smiled and laughed. We landed in Altis, a small, peaceful Greek Island. We stayed there a couple of days (me and the crew) I fell in love with the island. Mountains, salt planes, beautiful weather, and alot of friendly people. At this point after flying with British Airway for 6 years i decided to retire there, or settle down should i say. My co-pilot left without me, as i said good bye to my previous life of Commercial flying. (So i thought) After about a year of living on the island. No having a need to make money. I had my own small helicopter, and flew around the island for my own pleasure. One day i landed at the airport to meet a visiting friend. And which i saw a rather large Helicopter called a Heuron. With British Airways logos on it. I couldn't believe it, its as if my company had set up a job for me on my dream island. Days later i applied to be a pilot. I had my interview with a man named Norman, had my flight test and passed with flying colors. I flew everyday, making a small bit of a living. But i mostly did it for enjoyment. Almost 2 years had passed i had been flying for British Airways, when i hear the new that alot of the locals where migrating to another island, in the South Pacific, near Fiji called Tanoa. Being the inquisitive individual i am, i took a flight over there with a few of the guys the check it out. And i was stunned! What a miraculous island this was! Turns out there are multiple islands surrounding the main one. When we landed i saw out the corner of my eye something i hadn't seen in decades. A small single Engine plane, all my memories came rushing back to me. Before too long i bought a house on Tanoa, and bought another small single engine plane. Me and my friends flew everywhere on the island. It was nothing compared to the HUGE Vtols they had at the airport. But it was so much fun! And now im sat here in my house on another beautiful evening on one of the southern islands of Tanoa thinking to myself. Why dont they set up a small Airlines company for national flights...?

To be continued...

