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-1, the idea of parachutes in itself isn’t a bad thing, however I think they should be used for events and such things only, otherwise it becomes an overused and worn out novelty. 

Just look at the amount of people who steal helicopters and use them for stupid stuff, imagine if they all had parachutes as well 🙂 

I think parachutes should be re-added but more as a professional item, such as if NPAS or Heli-med is having issues. Rather than us going down with the helicopter, we can eject and use a parachute to prevent our indisputable demise

I think parachutes should be re-added but more as a professional item, such as if NPAS or Heli-med is having issues. Rather than us going down with the helicopter, we can eject and use a parachute to prevent our indisputable demise
Only issue with that would be the realism of ejecting from a helicopter.
