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ParallelSex RDM

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Name of the person you are reporting: ParallelSex
Time & Date this happened: 4/30/15 @ about 5A.M.
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: We were flying around looking for someone to rob when we spot a helicopter landed on a hill, we fly closer near it preparing to land, ParallelSex shoots 2 warning shots (supposedly) and I begin to fly away, without much delay and certainly not enough time to comply he shoots me through the windshield of the helicopter and the helicopter lands without exploding and he and his friend proceed to kill 3 more my gang members when they get out.
What Rule Was Broken?: RDM, there was no RP or communication before he shot me out of the pilot seat (Excluding 2 warning shots but he didn't give enough time to comply). It could also be argued that he RDMed 4 times because he would not have been able to kill my other 3 friends hadn't he shot me.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, he refused to talk to us on teamspeak saying that we were going to steal his helicopter therefor it was justified.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

Sorry about the bad quality, I didn't feel a higher resolution would add much to the video but I had a friend take a screenshot of his higher res video so you can see the killfeed.


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