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Permanent Ban Appeal - AlexQ (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

ltn avon

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

i was banned for poor RP and attempted robbery in Safe Zone. I understand this and i think i have served my time for it (was perma banned for it).
sorry this might make u guys decline, but i cant hold it back: I dont rly understand why i got perma banned for attempted robbery in SZ, I mean newcomers prob do it all the time so i would have undersstood i week ban or even two, but a perma for that cmon.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

ive been focusing on school and not playing much, but now that i have gotten the grades i wanted im picking up gaming again and i was sad when i rememberd that i couldt play on roleplay uk.
i tried playing removed instead, but thats a fucking joke.

Why do you want to return ?

I want to return cuz the community is great as i remember and i want to be a part of it again.

Why should we unban you ?

I think I contribute to the community and have some laughs, but ofc you guys have no actual "need" to unban me as your servers is constantly high pop, but yeah i would love to start playing again as my friends started playing here and i was thinking of helping them out.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

sorry this might make u guys decline, but i cant hold it back: I dont rly understand why i got perma banned for attempted robbery in SZ, I mean newcomers prob do it all the time so i would have undersstood i week ban or even two, but a perma for that cmon.
You haven't read our rules then have you! go have a read of them and come back here with the answer to why you got perma banned... cmon!


You haven't read our rules then have you! go have a read of them and come back here with the answer to why you got perma banned... cmon!
sry im dumb, but i have looked through the rules and i cant find a rule saying that i should be perm banned? can u plz direct me to the correct rule?

the rules that i Broke as i could find is:

(6.1.1) You must not attempt to kill anyone in a green zone.

(6.1.2) Lethal weapons must be holstered in green zones at all times. Breaking this rule can result in being kicked from the server.

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together.

these were all i could find that i would say i broke, and im terrible sorry for this and i promise that if you guys will give me another shot at this, I will not break any rules.

Thank you, you should also have read/worked out that all bans here are permanent until you've come here and appealed them

Now we have confirmation you know what you was banned for and know what rules we should not see you banned again for them otherwise next time you might not be unbanned.

You may reconnect to the server. @AlexQ

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