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Permanent Ban Appeal - Cdr Austin (unbanned)

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Cdr Austin

In-game Name

El Chapo

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I was banned for swearing once in OOC and apparent RDM

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Got into CS:GO & PUBG, got on with IRL stuff, did some exams, started some sports, etc.

Why do you want to return ?

I would like to return because I really do like this server and I would like to build up my gang again and get it back on its feet. I also do believe it was unfair how I was banned without the guy even messaging me as it wasn't 'clear' as such rdm., e.g. just spraying everyone down in kavala.

Why should we unban you ?

I think you should unban me because at the time I thought I had given enough time and I had made clear warning shots (3 on each side) and I gave him I believe about 10 seconds which is more than enough time to move. From my point of view he had been flying towards me afterwards and that's why i shot at him. I understand I probably dealt with this wrong and I should have let him be and not went for the kill. I do also understand that I should not have said 'ay get fucked' and I apologize for that.

(3.8.2) As any other party: Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action.

I did exactly as this says, I gave him time, and I shot 3 tracers at the front and the back. However, there is nothing on the rules about how much time should be given exactly, therefore people could misinterpret this. I could not find a set time to be given before taking action.

Please fix this to prevent other people being banned like this in the future.

Also, in my other unban appeal, I had provided the points above however the admin clearly did not even look at it, or take it into consideration and just gave me a perm ban instead, I believe you should at least read the points I've put forward. However, I did speak to an admin on teamspeak about this and I now realize that more time should have been given, more the better.

It's now been just over 6 months since I received my ban. I believe 6 months is a long time for such a small community to be giving bans for. However, I understand why you do it and I've served my time.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Your last appeal was denied, do you think copy and pasting the answers is a good start to getting unbanned? 

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

apparent RDM

Why do you want to return ?

I also do believe it was unfair how I was banned 
You seem to think we got it wrong in banning you, were we wrong to ban you?

I believe 6 months is a long time for such a small community to be giving bans for. However, I understand why you do it and I've served my time.
Why should such a 'small community' bother unbanning you? Are we, a small community, unworthy of your almighty presence? Are you better than us and everyone else?

I just copied and pasted my last appeal because I assumed it was banned just because I had posted it before the 6 months. Obviously if there was a problem with the content then I would have remade an appeal from fresh. Now, I don't think you were wrong with banning me but I just don't feel like I had an opportunity to explain my point of view, usually when someone has a dispute, (they would send a dispute) or on the forum they'll ask for me to explain my actions, this didn't happen and when I tried to explain myself I was just given a permanent ban and the admin had obviously not considered anything I had said. 

And what you said at the end is not what I said or meant at all, I never said I was better than anyone...

Now, I don't think you were wrong with banning me but I just don't feel like I had an opportunity to explain my point of view, usually when someone has a dispute, (they would send a dispute) or on the forum they'll ask for me to explain my actions, this didn't happen and when I tried to explain myself I was just given a permanent ban
You think we wanted to waste our time disputing another ban you got after it was your 3rd? I think you wasted that chance at trying to worm a dispute out of it, I think time away from the community was needed for you.

Question is though, why do you think we have rules in place and why are do we enforce them so strict?

I guess it comes down to consistency - the admins and developers want to provide a consistently good role play experience, which could not be done without rules, without rules people would just shoot everyone and called everyone slurs, which ruins people's experience within role play. If people don't follow rules then the role play experience is not realistic nor enjoyable.

Also, with rules comes trust, and it creates a line between people who really want to role play and those who just want to ruin other people experience's or just want to frag. Unfortunately, in something like this game it's hard to just trust people and therefore rules have to be put in place.

You enforce them so strictly as the role play experience can be ruined quite easily, and with using a game that wasn't built for RP, comes problems with the game engine and coding which means people can break rules. Therefore, you have to enforce the rules strictly. Also, by enforcing the rules strictly you end up 'removing' the people who are not actually there for role play, however, I say what I've said lightly as sometimes you can't tell what was deliberate and what was accidental and i'm trying to not be a hypocrite.

This is going to be your last chance, checking your previous bans / warning I shouldn't waste my time.

Prove me wrong.

Unbanned - Last chance.

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