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Permanent Ban Appeal - Cleon (Denied)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

[TW] Cleon

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I'm unsure of what the exact reason is that you have on my "file", but I know there could be a few, I know for a fact that I was banned one evening whilst I was sitting in another Teamspeak with some previously banned members (Jamz, fetty and YoCo) - although I must admit, at the time of me sitting in there I was in the process of writing out a departure post and leaving the server, due to the fact that so many good friends of mine had been banned, they had told me that the staff team had a means to know who was going in and out of that particular teamspeak, and warned that I should use a VPN - im not really that great with all these kind of things, so i never bothered. and sure enough, right as i hit the "post" button I got a message saying that I was banned. it was probably for the best that i was banned before being able to post the message, as some parts towards the end aimed at some staff members was quite toxic.

After this, other members of my gang decided to go on an RDM'ing spree, and I egged them on at the time. we had all grown into such great friends that we had decided to all go down together. we truly felt like the bans were completeley unjust. it started with YoCo, getting banned for laughing at the Jamz incident, I thought this was unjust at the time (not anymore) and decided that if he was banned, then im going to leave with him, thats when i joined the Teamspeak server mentioned above. at that time, my intentions were just to leave the server, and just say a few things i had on my mind via a departure topic. but after getting banned for being in this other teamspeak, i was infuriated, It wasnt just a Teamspeak, and game ban; it was a community ban, I couldnt even get onto the forums to appeal it, during my time on the server I strongly believe I was a model player, I very rarely got reported, and I did so much to help new players. This is not me making an exscuse for myself or others, im merely giving you the truth, as asked, and what was going through my mind at the time.

one thing I would like to clear up though, I never advocated death threats, I never told anyone to kill themselves. anyone that was previously affiliated with me or my gang that did or said these things acted completely independently. there was alot of rumours and misinformation spread after this incident, and I would like to clear that up, the only thing I was truly guilty of, was egging on friends of mine whilst they went about RDM'ing people.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Ive gotten a new job, so in that time ive been focusing on work, ive hardly played a game in the past 6 months to be honest, I joined the police force for a short while on a Tanoa server, but i quickly got bored of not being able to play with all the old gang, so i soon stopped. I was contacted recently by some of my old gang members who still play and who got unbanned, and decided I'd try and do the same.

Why do you want to return ?

I just miss playing with all the old guys to be honest, I miss all of the fun things that we got up to, all the laughs we had and all the wierd and wonderful people that we came across on a day to day basis.

Why should we unban you ?

I've changed a lot in the last 6 months or so, and i've come to realise that there's no need to get caught up in drama, when we're all here really just to play a game.

But honestly, I truly feel that the positive impact i've had on peoples server experiences here at RPUK far far outweigh the negatives, I've only been reported once or twice, both got rejected, I took in new players and taught them how to play the game, taught them how to make money, how to roleplay etc. I started a gang that grew from one person to becoming one of the largest on the server, and we formed friendships that have lasted to this day, and although like any other gang we used our numbers to fight with other gangs and the police etc. I feel we also placed a huge emphasis on roleplay. We created the "neighbourhood watch" scheme, to help control crime around the kavala area, in an attempt to help newer players, and roleplayers focus on what they need to be doing. here is a video of myself stumbling across a hostage situation, during one of our neighbourhood watch patrols:

We also used our numbers to try and revive the ARAC, and had some amazing fun:

What i'm basically trying to get at here, is that as a player, I strive for new and different interactions otherwise I get bored quickly, this is why I used my gang to create some really engaging role play events/ scenarios, and if You allow me to come back to your community I can make you a promise that that is exactly what I plan to do again, I'll form another gang, and provide a great gaming experience for those that come across us.

To Conclude, i'm going to leave links of some Roleplay events and forum threads that I feel, perfectly describe what "The Warriors" were all about (I highly recommend watching them all, but number 1 especially :))
And I thank you for taking to time to review my unban request, I humbly accept any decision that you come to.

UNMC running scared:

The brilliant [TW] Zivdol performing for the crowd in kavala

Slanging match with a couple of rebels, during ARAC patrol:

Hobo suicide + memorial during ARAC patrol:

Charity fun run - Drinks at the kavala pub (skip to 2:30 to skip the gunfight)

The warriors Charity run forum thread:

Recommendation from Drew about “The Warriors”

Warriors Recommendation:

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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So you put all of your vids on and I posted a counter vid and you have nothing to say?

 I assumed that was just evidence for whomever is to be reviewing.

Either way I've already admitted to everything that I said in this video. What else is there for me to say?

I didn't do the rdm ing in this video, I didn't RDM anyone, I didnt go around calling you and wilco "Cunts" and god knows what else. I didn't go around telling people to "kill themselves"  I didn't go around getting people to Ddos other players, I didn't encourage rdm before I got 1.6 banned. I didn't make multiple accounts on teamspeak just for the sole purpose of trolling.

Other people that did all of the above have already been unbanned, all I did was egg on the RDM as it was being streamed by bear after you guys lifetime banned me and my brother for no other reason than because I was in the same teamspeak as Jamz,  YoCo and Fetty Wap.

I've said all I have to say, I'm not here to beg, or stroke anyone's ego via an unban appeal.

I've told you nothing but the 100% truth, I have no reason to lie. 

Also, if you have any evidence of me actually breaking any community rules that lead to me being banned because of it then I would like to see it. 

Because truthfully, I still to this day believe I was banned unfairly, and I wasn't even given a chance to talk to anyone about it, I was banned for being in a separate private teamspeak with previously banned players.

I wanted to play Overwatch with some friends.

You have given me all the evidence I need here. Unbanning you would be a mistake.


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