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Permanent Ban Appeal - Daniel Griffin (actioned)

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Daniel Griffin

Active member
In-game Name

Daniel Griffin

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I actually don't know what to call it but I didn't mean to insult any Dark skinned person, we were caught doing illegal things and cops were talking to us and I just started talking about skin color the police officer's character was black (so was i) i just asked him to let us go, black people should be together and help each other they have to be criminals and stuff like that , that was a big misunderstanding and I'm sorry bout that, because I didn't mean to insult anyone.

(I don't really remember what happened but the only thing I remember is that I was innocent I just copy and pasted the Last appeal I did)

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Actually, i started learning photoshop and CSS and participated some 3D MAX Classes And I learned a lot of thing in this short period of time such as game is not everything and there's a beautiful life out there that u can enjoy every minute of I also became a CS:GO Professional Player By Reaching Global Elite rank and making new friends, we won a tournament and made some money and I upgraded my PC. after all these, I just thought to myself about the behaviour I had and how salty I was when I was playing on this server and now I really feel the improvements and changes that I've made.

Why do you want to return ?

Because RPUK is the best server that I've seen so far and I know this server is not #1 in the ranking but it's #1 in my opinion and I believe this server is the best one in comparison of all those Servers out there. this server is the first server that I started playing on and I got a different feeling while I'm playing on this server!! I know that sounds kinda weird but this server is different for me and I love the staff members and the community and these are the main reasons I'm here and making a unban appeal.

Why should we unban you ?

it's bout 6 months since i got banned from the server. and in my opinion it was enough time to think about what I said and did few months ago, I actually lied to @tampax about the incident and I'm sorry about that as well I did a lot of stupid things and I'm sorry about every single one of them. hopefully, you'll give me a second chance to prove what I'm saying I actually did say sorry before getting banned but I think I deserved to get banned so I had enough time to think about what really happened and what a stupid thing I did.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Do you not think about how anything that you said could effect other people? Did you not consider that?

Racist remarks to anyone in our community will not be tolerated, joking or not, zero tolerance towards it.

Moving on, what do you think you have learned from this?
Actually, what I did was a huge mess. sometimes people say words without even thinking about them and the consequences they have. that moment was one of them and this is what I'm sorry about and trying to fix.

one of the most important things that I just learned after I got banned is what I did there was a stupid thing. at first, I thought saying those racist stuff even when you're joking is dumb and not acceptable at all.

I got tons of friends in different races and I love them all, I'm still sorry bout what I said there for real!! I know saying sorry couldn't do anything much and I had to change the way I was thinking and fortunately, i did.

If I was to unban you what could you bring to this community?

as mentioned in the server name;

roleplay and taking roleplay serious is the most important thing so I will be more serious at roleplaying.

- racism! that's why I'm banned and trying to get unbanned now. though it was a misunderstanding and a bit of my foolishness at using words but it needs to end anyway. so I will report any racist and rule breaker to admins immediately so I can be a part of guys who are against racism.

- I will also teach new players how to make money in the right way and things like that because I spend most of my time in Kavala square.


Have you learned a valuable lesson from this?

I'm sure you are aware now to take into consideration about other people before saying things that you may regret.

I would like you to familiarise yourself with the current rule set and agree to me that you are willing to follow them in order to return to the community? 


Ensure that you are following the current rule set and are thinking about others before you act.

If something occurs simliar to this ban, you will not be welcome back here.

Here's another chance,


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