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Permanent Ban Appeal - F u r y (Denied)

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F u r y

In-game Name

F u r y

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

From speaking to a few different Admins via TeamSpeak I can confirm that it was for Rules 1.6 and 2.3,

Starting at the 1.6:
"The Staff Team may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues."

Ok, so from what I remember it was completely justified, as I have done wrong on three occasions, In short.. The first one was one was a genuine mistake.

The First Mistake: RE-posting a video that was taken down from the forums. It was a short while after I seen that the post with the Arma III related video was taken down that i decided to repost it. So how was this a genuine mistake? First off, I clicked the refresh button the second the post had finished sending in order to skip the little notification box [Yes I'm lazy] In doing this one would assume that the post didn't go through. However, it did. So I reposted the video. Therefore receiving a warning point [I think]

The Second Mistake: This was when a good friend of mine got banned and we decided to have a laugh using a status update to display a video of a party with Wilco in it, which for reference he took as a joke to my knowledge. Wilco then replied with a song that took the piss out of my friend's name. We thought that was the end of it, A little fun joke. But he received a perm and me a warning point from another admin.

The Third Mistake: Stupidly proceeding to jump on Teamspeak and "Chat shit" to Wilco, making quite the collection of childish comments, Just could not believe a ban would be issued on Christmas day, however, bans happen when they happen. That fair enough and I understand that.

[Please fill me in on any other events and ill try my best to remember any if they have been missed]
[Personally, can't remember the order of event two and three for the life of me. This may not or may be accurate, from what I believe this was the correct order.]

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Taking a small break from Arma III and been focusing on FPS games, currently, 15th in the world for Widowmaker on overwatch and have been accepted into a tier 3 team to compete in small prize pools. As for real life, I have been focusing on my self as a person as I've been maturing as a person, The last few months have been rather rough. No time for sob stories, that's not why I'm here. Also house parties.. many many. To be perfect honestly 2017 has been a slow year in terms of achievements compared to other years.. Still, a lot left in the year tho

Why do you want to return ?

To prove to some people mainly the Admins and Staff team that I have matured greatly, but there are also many reasons I would like to return.

1. Nostalgia, there is just a feeling you get when you play on this server that you cant re-create

2. There is a lot of players on here I dearly miss talking to, fighting against, roleplaying with, negotiating with and in generaly being around to just have fun...

3. This server has a lot of unique features, a great map layout from what I remember.

4. You have had the time to balance the economy on this server, making for a feeling of accomplishment or utter loss depending on the situation.

5. Malden should be done right on here from the looks of the Altis servers and the old Tanoa one.

6. UNMC, miss this roleplay interaction greatly.

7.Would to come back and join the cops as I never took up on the opportunity the last time I was here

8. Is Britsh Airways still a thing around here? Loved that

9. I'm an insomniac and no other EU server has this many active players in the early hours of the morning consistently. This means RP is possible anytime I'm online [I refuse to play on NA with ping]

10. Coming back to an active community that does things differently to other servers will give Arma a refreshing feel for me personally

11.Fix up lose ends with people, I've not talked to in nearly 7 months.

12.Make personal apologises to people as part of my self-improvement I am doing.

Why should we unban you ?

In the last seven months, I have gone through hell and came back a different, coming out the other side. I shall be returning more mature, more respectful of people and their situations. I understand I utterly fucked up... really, I'm sorry to Wilco and anyone else that I may have hurt, offended, wasted in game time, and tried and tested their patience. I wish for those affected to take this as a formal apology if I do not get unbanned. However, I shall be delivering those apologies direct to the person/group if giving the opportunity to return.

My last note would be to my 2.3, For the life of me I don't know what this is for. Currently, I'm using an FOV changer. I suspect that this is the issue it can be reset to a default FOV of 70 if need be ://

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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There's a huge amount of effort here and I respect that. I'm actually finding it rather difficult to ask any questions since you have established well what you did wrong and why you want to be back and why we'd want you back. This will do you credit! Your patience in waiting for a response is also noted.

Stupidly proceeding to jump on Teamspeak and "Chat shit" to Wilco, making quite the collection of childish comments
I'd like you to elaborate on this one for me though. What did you say and why did you feel the need. I appreciate that it was a while ago now but as much detail as you can provide would allow me to make a decision.

There's a huge amount of effort here and I respect that. I'm actually finding it rather difficult to ask any questions since you have established well what you did wrong and why you want to be back and why we'd want you back. This will do you credit! Your patience in waiting for a response is also noted.

I'd like you to elaborate on this one for me though. What did you say and why did you feel the need. I appreciate that it was a while ago now but as much detail as you can provide would allow me to make a decision.
Thank you for replying, I have a screenshot actually. Here: [https://gyazo.com/12f671265fffca39b7ab8eb5b2e7dc76

Basiclly in rage, thinking it would be a wise idea. I proceeded to TeamSpeak to PM Wilco and state my opinion of being banned. Yes, I regret it. Yes, it was not needed. But I did it. I'm sorry for my action overall but regarded TS. I am especially sorry. I'm not going to hide the fact that I am not the kindest of people, but what I said was out of order. I'm sorry for my actions.

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I never got the chance to ask why you feel I should grow the fuck up @F u r y for banning your friend?

I don't think after 3 and a half years you will find someone more committed to a Roleplay project that myself and our team, So what else did you expect ... I just want to know what to expect from you going forward... I mean you've just said you're not the kindest of people and your steam profile has a nazi flag on it and i see your friends with people who can't let go and keep signing up every few days on these forums.

Do you want to be unbanned just to RDM or cause people grief or you actually going to provide good content to the server by roleplaying?

Thank you for replying @Wilco

First off.. straight out the gate, I think it is rather unprofessional to take A dig at my Steam profile. Between my friends, I say some controversial things. I am what some would call "politically incorrect" with some ''different'' worldviews, but to play the nazi card is down right not the way to do it Wilco... I'm pretty disappointed that you feel or even have suggested I may be a white nationalist. Without getting political, Nazi's are fucking scum. You can agree and so can we all. It's a sad to see the world cannot take jokes of any form that are not family friendly anymore. In fact, the "Nazi flag" which is more commonly known as a swastika, was not in fact put on my profile by me. My profile is used by two other people to play rainbow six siege on. Therefore I did not see the notification for the comment, as someone else may have already got the notification when they logged in before me. It is deleted now.. As I've stated im, not a nazi by any means, But what I do, When I say it, and who I say it too on steam is strictly my business, all the way from happy birthday to my view on the economy and why socialism won't work. You have set the rules for your website, TeamSpeak and game servers. If anyone was to break them or say something you disagree with on there, you have every right to remove me from your private services.. However taking a dig at free speech is not right. I'm a strong believer that hate speech does not exist. If I say something you disagree with on a public platform it is not hate speech, it's freedom of speech. However you just simply took offense to what I said, it works the other way too. If you say something I take "offense" too then it is not hate speech, it's a moral disagreement. If only you heard my rip the piss out of self-proclaimed "neo-nazi" that was in Glasgow, He has every right to spray is bullshit ideology as its free speech and that is something we believe everyone in Scotland, Just not a small minority of nut-cases still believe in the Nazi way. I wish the number of supporters was at 0% Wilco... I really do!!

Still low-key vexed and disappointed you implied that I'm a Nazi.. Was extremely unprofessional of you if I'm honestly Ian

Now onto the actual ban:

Do you want to be unbanned just to RDM or cause people grief or you actually going to provide good content to the server by roleplaying?
No, being dyslexic making an unban appeal is a pain. Also, that fact of my life is in a rough spot at the present time. Being unbanned from here would allow me to come back and chill with some old friends on the community that started this for me. This server would give me an escape from real life in the current moment. IM not back here to troll or mass RDM, trust me that would have been done by now if that was my desired goal was. However, if I was to return I would love the opportunities presented here. the term "you never know how much you something means to you till you lack it" is apparent here.. Without making this a sob story. Life is difficult. being this stressed out at the age of forty is unfair, never mind me being sixteen. This would cut me an exit from these issues for an hour or two every night or two where I could take my anger out in rebel life or try to be calm and collected in roleplay. Anyway, I hate sharing personal issues in private, so doing this in public is a step for me to take. My issues should be mine and no one else. I do hope you see that I find it hard explaining my reasoning for returning here, I see it as me being weak having to explain my reasoning for returning is to escape reality for a short time every day in yet another game where I can be myself and help others.

Yes, I'm returning for the RP, having spoken to some people over steam. The UNMC is where I shall be going by the looks of things. I would really love the opportunity to return if given the chance. I do know its only an if, but like life right now has told me. If you can't dictate the actions of the influences, then you will just have to wait and see what the outcome is. 

Sorry For the long reply, but I feel it is mandatory think to do       -  F u r y 

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Stright away you've got the wrong tone, I 've unbanned several people tonight, When I am in the process of unbanning people I look at everything!

This is a friendly environment and having fucked up in the past you don't really have a leg to stand on, I decide what the right way to do it is

Anyway not reading any further you lost me there right on your first few lines... The fact you feel you can use my first name now makes me think your trolling... I am known as Wilco here.

I'd rather concentrate on people who actually want to be here, what a waste of time!

For the record - https://gyazo.com/12f671265fffca39b7ab8eb5b2e7dc76 that lost you the right to any professionalism! Not that you should expect any.

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@F u r y nice instant reaction elsewhere... btw no one called you a nazi so drop the victim card... I said I see your profile as a nazi flag on it... obviously some complex issue you have there

I am glad this one was denied! Just surprised you wasted your own time making it considering you clearly did not want to get unbanned 

- For the future searches this is a perm ban with no further appeals.

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