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Permanent Ban Appeal - GiveMeAChancePlease (Unbanned 26/12/16)

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Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

Initially I believe I was banned for referring to this community while making an introduction post on another community. I did this by saying "I come from another community, i'd rather not say all the shit I have to say about there". Now I believe this was taken initially in a way where I was referring to this community "RPUK" as a 'shit' community or something, I was never given an exact reason but this is what I believe. Now, my ban message said "If you don't like North Korea, don't return." - I never referred to RPUK or ALUK as North Korea so I do not know where that came from but I am guessing it was taken that way. The reason I said what I said on the other community's forums is because I didn't have the greatest experience on this community in my last few months, I decided to not say what was wrong in-case of getting banned as that is one of the things I was annoyed about initially. After getting banned for that I did post all the things I saw wrong because I didn't know which one you guys wanted.

Secondly, my behavior since has been completely terrible. I enjoyed every minute with the people I met on this server and community and it became a family to me, all the people I met in the Police, Marmite Miners, LoV, UNMC and NHS. Although it does not in any way excuse it, the fact that I lost all my friends here really triggered me and that is definitely a reason but it does not excuse my actions since. Among these actions include commenting on Jays video directing negative energy towards Wilco, Getting into an argument with FFG when I really should have left it and most recently, commenting something extremely rude on one of Vladics streams.

Now I must say, I am terribly sorry for my above actions.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

In the previous 5 and a half to 6 months I have been playing elsewhere. On top of that I believe I have been trying to get my life on track which honestly hasn't gone too well, I am extremely addicted to Arma and I believe this may be why I have posted so many appeals in the past. I have also been playing other games with some great friends.

Why do you want to return ?

I believe it is no secret I really want to return to RPUK, I am not going to lie, not so much to grind on the server but to meet the amazing people this community creates, people come into this community and aslong as they stay on the right track, they are transformed into someone else with good a good personality and good traits, that is something I believe this community has over all. A real sense of Community whereby everyone knows everyone and everyone is included. Now, this is something I want to see again, not saying I haven't had it but the 95% majority of people I used to play and talk with still are members of RPUK which means you guys kept the good ones. I really want to talk to these people again, whether that be through a Teamspeak Unban or Forum Unban, I just want to prove myself as a member of the community again.

Another reason I want to return is I believe you guys have been dedicated to working on the community in the past few months, releasing new things and involving members of the community more is very evident and this is something I hoped for when I was last here, however I was unfortunate enough to not be a part of this process.

I spent my first Altis Life Christmas here on RPUK and honestly, I would love to do it again, when I came online early morning when I was a young SPC in the Police force, when I came on in the evening and when I listened to the drunkness early in the morning, it just showed the level of Festive Spirit and Community engagement here. I remember fondly New Years 2015-2016, I spent it up till 5 am speaking with UnluckyGeorge fixing my Windows as I was idiotic enough to delete it, I listened to Farmer Giles bang on about his Ford and Maccas talk about whatever it is Geordies talk about.... Kebabs or something... These are Altis Life memories I hold close and honestly, just thinking back on them now I had a smile on my face. This is something I would like to experience again this Christmas and New Years if at all possible.

Also, I can't lie, BETTY played a small part in it, I just watched his stream and to see someone who purely makes people laugh stuck around and is appreciated warmed my heart and made me know something was going well.

Why should we unban you ?

Alright, this is going to be long. First of all, quoting FFG I was to never post another Unban appeal, now I know I am going against that and for that, I can say sorry but I hope it doesn't go to waste. In my previous Unban appeals there has been a lack of effort and something I threw out there for the sake of trying to get Unbanned. In my previous Unban appeal I was really expecting some kind of lesser punishment like maybe just a Game ban pending further thought and I believed this was going to happen as I had been in contact with some of my old friends and TBJ explaining my side of the story and explaining how sincerely sorry I was and the reactions were mainly positive, people wishing me good luck etc... Now, it was a bad idea to get my hopes up as when it was denied for a fairly logical reason, it made it so much worse for me. This is when I saw somebody was just Unbanned at the same time for committing a major rulebreak that they deliberately done to harm others and I believed my ban still hadn't been justified. This was the complete wrong outlook to have on the whole situation, initially, yes I did believe I shouldn't have been banned and this made me very annoyed, causing me to say some things I shouldn't have but sitting back and thinking about it recently has been an eye opener for me, I have had a completely negative outlook on this ban ever since it happened but thinking about it rationally, it allowed me to try move on, meet new people and do some stuff outside of RPUK as at the time, that is all I had done. - So, this was to explain my actions in the chat with FFG.

Now, my comments towards Wilco and Vladic were completely bang out of order, I was as I say still in denial about how the ban was handled and about the little breathing room I was given. This as I have said previously in no way shape or form excuses my words or actions and for this, I am sincerely sorry to both Wilco and Vladic. I directed comments at them that should not have been said at all. I put myself above my everyone else and said "Well why should I be banned?" - this was completely wrong of me and instead of asking politely and awaiting a response, I took everything directed towards me as a negative surrounding the nature of this ban.

Right, kind of finally I believe I should be unbanned as I feel ready to accept my faith, whether this Unban appeal is accepted or denied, there is hopefully logical reasoning behind it and I can't wait to hear the response and work with the team on sorting this out. I also believe I wouldn't be the worst addition to this community, I played here for a year and 2 months, dedicating my time and effort into everything I done and directed all my effort into making different things better, whether these were seen or not will remain a mystery but I tried my best, whether that have been my few month stint in the Academy department in the Police, whether it was my run to Corporal in the UNMC or whether it was the fun times I had with Cryant in LoV, Marmite Miners or the NHS, I tried and I am willing to continue trying and try find my place here once more. I want to be a member of the community, not a leader of the community which is where my downfall started, I got annoyed at everything against me and this harmed my reputation with Management and ultimately got me punished, now I want to fit in, not stand out. - Not a way I try live life though, I will always try stand out there.

----- I am extremely grateful if you read the whole unban appeal and I hope a fair judgement is made, I look forward to a response. -----

Yours sincerely,

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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I wondered when this would re-appear.

(For staff use, see: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/profile/40321-quinn3/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjcwMjU4LCJpZF8yIjozOTcwODh9 )

Remember our last conversation? I told you that your last unban was denied because 6months hadn't elapsed. I told you to wait for 3 more months and re-post but instead, you posted silly status updates and gave me attitude (Despite me trying to appeal to your common sense). All you had to do was post again in 3 months, you couldn't even do that.

My last post to you (on your status update) was this:

"Well, clearly no patience, no respect and even though I had left the door open for you, you've chosen to shut it yourself.

Remember - you had every chance to come back yet you've chosen this path because you don't believe you should serve the full 6month term like everyone else.

So don't come back in 3 months, save yourself the effort - Banned without appeal.

I tried to appeal to your common sense."

If you had simply just waited for 6 months (Like everyone else does), you'd have potentially been unbanned by now! Can you see how silly and ridiculous this situation is?! You can't even follow the unban procedure rules and instead kick off when things don't go your way because for some reason, you feel the rules shouldn't apply to you. How are you going to react when an RP situation doesn't go your way? Are you going to scream and shout, cause drama or are you going to 'suck it up' and act like an adult? If you can't follow the unban procedure, how can I possibly expect you to follow the rules?!


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I completely understand your concern and I am glad I have been given the chance to further explain my actions when I posted that Status Update.

The Unban Procedure clearly states to wait 6 months which I didn't do, now initially I posted unban appeals because I believed "as mentioned above", I didn't deserve the ban so I felt like this procedure didn't apply to me, so yes, you are completely correct in what you're saying and I did kick off when things didn't go my way. Now, above in my Unban appeal I mentioned how I acted out as I was in denial over the ban and again, I felt like I was above everyone else. I also mentioned this was the complete wrong mindset for me to have looking at the ban and I 100% stick by that, it was terrible the way I acted and if you ask anyone that knew me through me 1 year and 2 months as a member of both ALUK and RPUK, they should all say that the comments I made weren't something I would usually do. I feel like after I got banned and my unban got denied I just took it as a personal attack on me of some sorts which then gave me *in my eyes* the morale high-ground, now as I now know and as you knew from the beginning, this turned me into a complete dick with anything RPUK related as I believed they were just out to get me, as I have previously said though, this in no way shape or form justified the comments made by me and the absolute dick I was to you when you gave me a simple option.

How you know I won't do it in RP.

Again, I am going to ask you to ask anyone who has experience with me from my time here and they should say and agree I have a high standard of Roleplay and this is something I have continued no matter where I go. My level of Roleplay is something I pride myself in and something I try work on everytime I play, setting myself new challenges everytime. Now, ofcourse there is situations like drug runs, weapons out etc.. where you can try give the best RP of your life and they won't go your way, the best way to deal with those is to remain calm and actually ask the other party what was wrong with your Roleplay so you can try improve it.

How you can expect me to follow the Rules.

Listen, I know this is something I am saying and you might not see it but I take pride in my knowledge of the rules, if there's one thing I hated seeing was people deliberately breaking rules and if there is one thing I loved doing it was helping new players learn the rules. 'Without rules, there would be chaos.' - This is something many have said but it sticks with me from when my History teacher said it to the class. This is something I have followed and although some rules may annoy you or they may not make sense to you, they are there for a reason, this is how you can expect me to follow them, I simply like calm, not chaos.

Now, I hope you see this as something I have put effort into, all I can try add on is I am sincerely sorry for the way I have acted in the past and I will 100% try my best to act a lot better in the future.

Yours sincerely,


Right then....

I appreciate you taking the time to put together a detailed reply and explanation (Which is why I'm doing this on Boxing Day) - It's clear to me you understand why you were banned, and why I closed the door on you (for arguing because you felt you shouldn't have to wait 3 more months.)

For anyone else reading this - arguing over bans and not following the procedure will NEVER result in your ban lifted. Quinn has learned this - and in-fact would have been playing long before now had he just followed the procedure for being unbanned.

Quinn - I'd have unbanned you after the initial 6 months regardless - you just made that very difficult by arguing. So now, you're unbanned officially but I'd like you to remember this incident and next time something doesn't go your way (Be it on the forums or in RP) remain calm and think about any response before you potentially make things worse.

EDIT: @GiveMeAChancePlease I do require a chat with you on Teamspeak too, I'll hunt you down shortly. Just remember, we are watching and I've gone out on a limb here so I expect you to be an upstanding member of this community.

Welcome back and Merry Christmas.

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